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Mouse pointer out of position

By Charles Hague @cghague2024-07-22 23:00:40.271Zassigned to
  • @cghague

  • 4 replies
  1. L
      2024-07-21 19:59:38.195Z

      I'm also seeing the same issue. This is a new tinypilot device I just received yesterday. I also installed a new image on it today. The remote mouse pointer seems out of position in relation to my local mouse pointer. I'm connecting from a Dell laptop to another Dell laptop. They both have the same resolution (1920x1200) and both are fairly recent models. One is an XPS and the other is a Precision. I've also tried setting both to 1024x786 resolution as was suggested here but I'm still experience the same issue. Here are my logs: I hope there's a fix for this. It's a bit annoying not having the mouse pointer be synced.

      1. Hi, @leo928, thanks for your message. I've created a new thread to discuss this so we can keep all the relevant information together.

        You mentioned that the machines have a resolution of 1920x1200, but the logs show that your TinyPilot device is receiving a signal at 1920x1080. This mismatch suggests that your target computer is using display scaling, which will cause problems with mouse positioning.

        Can you please set your laptop to output a supported resolution and turn off all scaling options?

        1. L@leo928
            2024-07-23 00:16:24.578Z

            Ok, after playing around with a few more settings, I found out that the remote laptop connected to TinyPilot was not set to use TinyPilot as the primary and only display screen. Instead it was set to duplicate the displays. Setting the TinyPilot display to "show only on 2" fixed the issue for me. I do still notice a bit of a mouse "trail" but I assume that's expected due to some lag? At least the mouse position stays in sync now though when its not moving.

            1. Thanks for getting back to me! I'm pleased that you were able to solve the display issue! The mouse trail effect occurs because you can see both the local cursor and the cursor on the target computer. You can hide the local cursor by going to View, Cursor, and selecting None.