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You can ask questions, make feature requests, or share neat things you've done with your TinyPilot.

Topics, recently active firstCategoryUsersRepliesActivity
Can the Tinypilot also replace my VPN?
Hi, my company allows me to work from home, but I must keep my company's laptop in a designated area (i.e. my home). I cannot work from a coffee shop or a even a library in the next town. I think this product will allow me to leave my work laptop at ...
    GeneralC12022-03-15 17:02:33.620Z
    No Video on Voyager 2
    Hi @michael As discussed with you, starting a separate thread. here it is the logs link -> Also, there was no change made. Infact i did ssh today prior to that it was working perfectly fine on 18th Feb. That was...
      Technical SupportAS72022-03-14 17:40:07.887Z
      New TinyPilot Pro - NO SIGNAL error
      I have just received the TinyPilot Pro and connected it to my SuperMicro server. However, video doesn't seem to work - it always shows NO SIGNAL. Connecting the TinyPilot Pro to my computer works. Connecting a monitor to the SuperMicro works.
        Technical SupportUS52022-03-14 17:24:15.536Z
        Can’t view BIOS on Dell 1050 micro
        Summary: Tinypilot does not display any output until the Linux kernel loading screen shows up (not even GRUB). The output + peripherals work fine after that. There have been several posts reporting the same problem but the common comment has been tha...
          Technical SupportD12022-03-03 15:55:53.659Z
          Remote Control an Ipad
          Has anyone tried to use this control an iPad? iPad supports usb mouse, even if it can’t stream the video I would like to know if this works.
            GeneralB12022-02-28 20:03:25.078Z
            porting tinyPilot for another plateform
            Hi, I would like to port tinyPilot for another platform expect raspberry pi , for that I have some query related to tinyPilot. Can anyone help me to resolve the query if possible. It will be heplfull. Is it possible to port tinypilot for another arch...
              GeneralAA62022-02-25 09:11:39.825Z
              TinyPilotPro KVM with HDMI direct to 12900K motherboard and no video
              Running 2.3.2 and yet we still can't video to show using two separate HDMI direct cables. This is Asus z690M-PLUS D4 board with 12900K cpu. OS is Linux Ubuntu 22.04. Btw, the machine is running in CLI mode, no x11/xorg running. So just simple shell/s...
                GeneralD22022-02-24 19:01:15.034Z
                VGA-HDMI Adapter: Shifted Image
                Concerning the VGA-HDMI adapter (FOINNEX), has anyone else noticed the shifted image while using it? I experience the same issue with the adapter connected to either a TinyPilot or a TV. This seems to be a common issue with that adapter. Here is a sc...
                  GeneralC12022-02-24 18:54:29.706Z
                  TinyPilot Pro download
                  Hi I have a corrupt SD card and want to replace with a new SD card and replace my Tinypilot pro. Where can we download the Pro image file from ?
                    GeneralGR32022-02-23 20:36:58.270Z
                    No Signal on Voyager 2
                    I have no signal showing up. I tried a few different HDMI cables. I've tried a few computers with limited results on each. Cable and video work for an external monitor. Currently tried to setup a pfSense box with a Protectli device. I set it up befor...
                      Technical SupportA102022-02-22 19:13:21.921Z
                      Explain icons...
                      HDMI not detected at BIOS level or in OS
                      I have created a video to make things more clear. I get no video detection via HDMI using Voyager. Works fine on next computer. 2nd monitor not seen in device manager (Windows). Computer displays fine to 'real' monitor though. Any ideas? View on YouTube
                        General22022-02-22 16:12:21.282Z
                        I get an error during the update.
                        I'm start the update TinyPilot with: /opt/tinypilot/scripts/upgrade && sudo reboot And get error: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pkg-resources==0.0.0 (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for pkg...
                          Technical SupportGB12022-02-21 01:20:17.700Z
                          Full screen mode across dual Monitors
                          Is it possible to go into full screen mode across two monitors? I'm not looking to capture dual monitors on the TinyPilot, but instead a single monitor across dual monitors from the control machine. I'm able to drag chrome across multiple screens, bu...
                            GeneralS12022-02-17 22:36:18.507Z
                            TinyPilot Voyager 1 sleep after no HDMI input
                            Bought 2 TinyPilot Voyager 1 devices Both on current version 2.3.2 with recent full re-image fresh OS After running without HDMI signal input, device falls asleep and doesn't wake again. Required hard power reboot. Does RasberryPi O/S have a sleep se...
                              GeneralP12022-02-17 22:31:01.588Z
                              Using TinyPilot with Raspberry Camera / without HDMI
                              Hello, I have a device which does not support HDMI or VGA output. I thought I could replace the HDMI Adapter Board with the Raspberry Pi camera - however it does not seem to be plug-and-play - I still get "no signal" in the web ui. Is there any trick...
                                Technical SupportSF22022-02-16 06:59:25.676Z
                                Screen not fully visable
                                @michael As mentioned in the previous thread, I switched over to firefox and now I can get in through the IP address, but the screen is all black except the bottom status bar...
                                  GeneralR72022-02-15 23:32:13.866Z
                                  [solved] TinyPilot URLs fail to resolve
                                  My tinyPilot's red light is on. It is connected to a computer (Ubuntu Linux 20.04) via USB. I have plugged in an ethernet cable directly from ISP router to Tinypilot. I see the Ethernet powers green and orange lights when ethernet is plugged in. http...
                                    Technical SupportSRCB132022-02-14 22:33:36.324Z
                                    Video showing broken image icon, keyboard and mouse still work.
                                    Hi, I just purchased this TinyPilot Pro a few weeks ago. It has been working fine until today when I start getting the broken image icon. Keyboard and mouse (within that tiny image icon) still kinda works. I noticed there's a thread having the exact ...
                                      Technical SupportR32022-02-14 19:57:01.197Z
                                      Ultra-Wide Monitor Support
                                      Any chance we might see 3840x1080 resolution support in the future?
                                        IdeasJJ22022-02-09 21:28:38.420Z
                                        Integration with Splashtop Streamer
                                        Would love to see future integration with Splashtop Streamer. This would allow secure access to your device from anywhere, and access to the controlled computer - even if through a web browser on the device pointing to itself.
                                          IdeasJJ22022-02-09 21:24:19.180Z
                                          Mouse recenters / jumps to center every 10 to 20 minutes
                                          When using a slave / controlled PC directly (physically) and when TinyPilot stays plugged into that same PC, ever since the latest update, the mouse will jump back to then dead center of the screen every 10 to 20 minutes. This is SUPER frustrating. I...
                                            GeneralAA42022-02-09 18:12:12.713Z
                                            Multiple Monitor Support
                                            Would love to see multi-monitor support enabled using two side by side TinyPilots with synchronous mouse and keyboard support.
                                              IdeasJ02022-02-09 13:55:40.319Z
                                              Can all usb input be “cancelled” via an ssh command or browser hotkey
                                              TDLR: title question. If not possible I would like to formally request this :-) Why needed: I use a product similar to Synergy where I have 2 PCs & 2 monitors but 1 mouse and keyboard. ( The 2nd PC I keep TinyPilots browser window up, thus controllin...
                                                GeneralAA42022-02-09 06:30:07.394Z
                                                Extension of Power Cable
                                                If the power cable is not long enough, can it be extended using a USB-C extension cable?
                                                  GeneralJ22022-02-09 03:15:54.390Z
                                                  TinyPilot Power Connector not working anymore
                                                  Hello, I have bought TinyPilot Power Connector last May, it stopped working. I've been using it with good quality micro usb cables and a 3A charger. It was OK for the first few months, then it started pikvm started showing "yellow voltage sign" but i...
                                                    GeneralK12022-02-07 20:15:42.730Z
                                                    problem with mouse and keyboard
                                                    Hi, Today I received the package of TinyPilot 2 and i also tried to connect this with motherboard BTC-S37, screen is showing correctly but mouse and keyboard isn't working, i have also double checked the installation and everything looks fine but the...
                                                      GeneralM72022-02-04 22:08:21.673Z
                                                      I connected to my iPhone via TinyPilot, but I found an error in mouse operation.
                                                      I connected to my iPhone via TinyPilot. I displayed the screen with a video capture, but I can't operate it with the mouse. The mouse seems to move a little, but for example, it seems that the accelerator and the brake are applied at the same time. I...
                                                        GeneralK12022-02-03 18:40:10.244Z
                                                        TinyPilot Voyager and KVM
                                                        I read on reddit and on this page ( that the AIMOS 4 port HDMI KVM would work with the TinyPilot. I purchased the one from Amazon using the wiki link (
                                                          GeneralCSGE252022-02-02 13:16:41.491Z
                                                          The latency is too long
                                                          Hello, I am trying to use TinyPilot via, but the latency is neraly 10-20 seconds with low image quality and low FPS. What can be a solution?
                                                            GeneralKA22022-01-31 19:17:25.935Z
                                                            Can't Connect Via Hostname
                                                            Hey all, We have 8 tiny pilots in use across our multiple locations, all the locations are connected via an internal network. The issue I am having is I am having is I can only connect to one of the 8 via the hostname. I have changed each one from th...
                                                              GeneralZAZ22022-01-31 06:37:34.178Z
                                                              Installation fails with git clone error
                                                              I'm installing TinyPilot on a new RPi 4 running the latest updated version of Raspian OS Lite. The installation script is falling over on the command: /usr/bin/git clone --origin origin /opt/tinypilot givin...
                                                                GeneralPP52022-01-26 20:27:22.942Z
                                                                Voyager 2 POE?
                                                                Does the Voyager 2 support POE? I thought it did when I ordered it earlier this month but now I realize it may not… yet?
                                                                  GeneralR12022-01-24 19:39:58.947Z
                                                                  USB Devices not created
                                                                  I have just installed TinyPilot on a RPi Zero W, having made a clean (and updated) install of Raspian Lite. The USB gadgets are not being created. init-usb-gadget fails on boot. *sudo journalctl -u usb-gadget *provides the following: Jan 18 22:05:51 ...
                                                                    Technical SupportPP32022-01-19 23:21:25.990Z
                                                                    Blank screen on old mac mini
                                                                    I've got my tinypilot (hobbyist kit) up and running great. Confirmed by connecting it to my laptop dock and it mirrored my mac pro screen great. the problems begin when i connect to an old mac mini [mid 2011 - A1347 (EMC 2442)] i just get a blank scr...
                                                                      Technical SupportK12022-01-18 17:33:24.642Z
                                                                      tinypilot can't handle resolution changes and frequently hangs
                                                                      My tinypilot is connected to an "AIMOS" hdmi/usb kvm. Connected devices use various display mode/resolutions. When switching between devices, the display often becomes garbled, usually like this: After a few seconds, the tinypilot hangs and has to be...
                                                                        Technical SupportW42022-01-17 21:26:07.855Z
                                                                        List of Items That Work with TinyPilot
                                                                        Just as an FYI, here are some items I use that work with TinyPilot: Greathtek 4-port KVM switch: Port 1: Optiplex 9020; port 2: Optiplex 9020; port 3: PowerEdge T30; port 4: Monoprice 4x1 HDMI switch (s...
                                                                          GeneralCC22022-01-12 02:57:16.348Z
                                                                          Questions before I buy Tiny Pilot
                                                                          Hello all, I'm a newbie regarding TinyPilot, so please bare with me, I have an office that has 6 servers that i want to manage without needing to go to the server room or my boss can remotely(VIA VPN) manage from his home(different state).Would this ...
                                                                            GeneralV52022-01-11 22:42:28.695Z
                                                                            Hi there, awesome product and software - THANK YOU! Question: Is there any guidance on how to set up a VPN? Use case: I'm looking to have my virtual assistant interact directly with my computer and would need some way for them to access it outside of...
                                                                              GeneralR2S2ALC132022-01-11 02:05:00.438Z
                                                                              TinyPilot Voyager 2 Keyboard does not work in Bios or Windows boot menu
                                                                              Just got an TinyPilot Voyager 2. Setup with no issues. Easy to reach via browser. Left lower corner of browser window, when at the Windows login prompt, shows green and "connected" However...Keyboard and Mouse work well in Windows even at the pre log...
                                                                                GeneralS2S292022-01-08 01:11:25.658Z
                                                                                No USB input
                                                                                Hello, I setup TinyPilot for the first time. I'm using a Raspberry Pi 4 along with the TinyPilot Power Connector. The video works fine, but I have no USB input - keyboard (real or virtual) / mouse. I don't see a generic USB keyboard or mouse detected...
                                                                                  GeneralAC162022-01-06 03:50:56.176Z