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Strange symptom with keyboard and mouse

By John Sikora @johnsikora
    2024-01-11 15:53:40.556Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    Tinypilot comes up fine and I can see the video with no problem. When I move the cursor or try to key something in, nothing happens (at least that's the way it looks). Cursor doesn't move, keys are not echoed.

    But, in reality the mouse movements and key strokes are going to the PC but the view seems to not reflect that.

    As an example, if I cursor over the wastebasket and right click, nothing will show up on the screen. But if i refresh the page, it shows that the movement and click have occured.

    Running latest version 2.6.2 of Tinypilot. Windows 11.

    • 8 replies
    1. C
      In reply tojohnsikora:

      Hi John, thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with the video freezing.

      There could be several explanations for this issue, so we'll need to investigate further. It sounds like the TinyPilot device isn't having any issues capturing the screen or sending input, so the problem is most likely with the video stream between the TinyPilot device and your web browser.

      Could you please send me a link to your logs by going to System, Logs, and Get Sharable URL? Can you please also try switching the streaming mode by going to System, then Video Settings, and then choosing whichever of MJPEG or H.264 isn't currently selected from the dropdown menu?

      1. JJohn Sikora @johnsikora
          2024-01-11 18:44:24.316Z

          Here is the link:

          Tried setting the video to H.264 but got a message that it couldn't do it. Running MPEG.

          1. Thanks for getting back to me!

            I've reviewed the logs you provided, and everything looks normal. I don't believe H.264 works with RemoteIT by default, but you may be able to fix that by configuring a STUN server.

            Regarding MJPEG not working, the video appears to be getting cached or frozen somewhere in transit. It would be good to rule out RemoteIT as the explanation, so would it be possible for you to try accessing the TinyPilot device over a local network to check if the issue still happens?

        • J
          In reply tojohnsikora:
          John Sikora @johnsikora
            2024-01-15 14:51:24.725Z

            I just noticed something when I tried to test this morning. I have "timer" on the computer that counts down on the screen. When I access the screen, I thought that it was not responding but the timer does indeed count down albeit very slowly which seems to concur with your thoughts ont he video being hung up somewhere.

            I don't have the ability to add another computer to the network. But, I did log into tinypilot from the PC that I was monitoring. You get the infinite mirror effect, but I did see the countdown dropping normally on the infinite number of screens. And the screens came up very quickly.

            I also installed tailscale and tried to connect with it. Got the same symptoms.

            The last thing I changed was the SD card with the new version 2.6.2. Could the speed of the SD card be an issue?

            1. J
              In reply tojohnsikora:
              John Sikora @johnsikora
                2024-01-15 14:56:19.062Z

                Ok, made some progress. I had said that tailscale did not improve the situation. But on a whim, I moved the video to H.264 and everything works as it should. Speed is normal

                1. Progress
                  with handling this problem
                2. J
                  John Sikora @johnsikora
                    2024-01-11 18:35:30.879Z

                    More information. It looks like the video is not working. it come up fine but does not update unless you do a page refresh. Running the current version of remote it as well.

                    1. J
                      John Sikora @johnsikora
                        2024-01-15 15:04:54.791Z

                        Went back and forth between the two video versions. MPEG consistently was very slow H.256 seems to work fine. On both tailscale and

                        1. C
                          Charles Hague @cghague2024-01-17 03:28:23.732Zreplies tojohnsikora:

                          Thanks for getting back to me with your detailed notes!

                          The symptoms you've described strongly suggest that there is something between the TinyPilot device and your computer causing problems with the video stream. It's doubtful that a configuration problem on the TinyPilot device or a slow microSD card is causing this issue.

                          As you're working over the Internet, it's unlikely that you can do anything to fix whatever is causing the underlying issue. However, you mentioned that H.264 works when using Tailscale. I recommend using H.264 over MJPEG, as H.264 performs better, and I know that many of our customers use Tailscale, so if possible, I'd recommend sticking with H.264 over Tailscale if that's an option.