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tinypiliot ssh access denied

By Death Note @deathnote
    2024-01-31 17:11:05.450Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    i installed tinypilot in my raspberry pi 4b , i runned its web interface in my laptop its working fine , but its not showing the security option in system menu and i can't ssh into my tinypilot , i tried with ip and used default password "flyingsopi" its saying access denied , can anyone help me

    • 4 replies
    1. C

      Hi @deathnote, thanks for your question about SSH access.

      It looks like you're running the community version of TinyPilot. However, the "Security" menu is only available in TinyPilot Pro. You'd need to enable SSH manually by following the instructions for Raspberry Pi OS. If you're interested in the extra security features, you might want to consider upgrading to TinyPilot Pro.

      1. DDeath Note @deathnote
          2024-02-01 05:39:31.359Z

          Tinypilot is installed by me in my raspberry pi , if i purchase the pro version from my laptop will it solve my problem , All i have to do is buy tinypilot pro ?

          1. TinyPilot Pro adds additional features, such as toggling SSH access from the web interface and support for virtual media. However, the basic KVM functionality is the same, so upgrading is unlikely to help if you have encountered problems with the community version. Can you please provide more details about what you've tried and the outcome so far?

            1. DDeath Note @deathnote
                2024-02-02 07:16:10.835Z

                thx for your help , its working well