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No signal after upgrading Tinypilot 2.6.2

By @tyler.boyette
    2024-01-23 12:43:45.506Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    After updraging Tinypilot 2.6.2, screen is showing no signal.

    On laptop boot, it's showing but after laptop boot, no signal.

    Solved in post #4, click to view
    • 4 replies
    1. T
        2024-01-23 14:59:55.804Z

        I found that video is not showing only. i can press mouse click and keyboard and it's showing mouse click and keyboard press event on target device. Is this related to display settings.
        I used this configuration

        1. Hi @tyler.boyette, thank you for your message. I'm sorry you're getting a "No Signal" error.

          I've reviewed the logs you provided and can see that your TinyPilot isn't detecting a valid video signal. There could be many reasons for this, so we'll need to investigate further.

          The screenshot of your display settings shows that the external display (i.e., the TinyPilot device) is extending the desktop. Can you please try changing it to "Mirror" mode, as that should ensure the laptop sends the same output to its internal display and your TinyPilot device?

          1. T@tyler.boyette
              2024-01-24 12:56:09.209Z

              I followed these steps and I resolved the issue.

              1 - Unplug in HDMI Cable
              2- Restart Tinypilot
              3- plugin HDMI Cable


              1. Thank you for letting me know! It sounds like the TinyPilot device and the target computer might have needed to re-negotiate the correct display settings, and the restarts may have prompted that to happen. In any case, I'm pleased to hear that you're back up and running! Please get back to us if you have any questions or if the issue happens again.