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Unable to set static IP

By Jamie Dewoody @jdewoody
    2024-01-30 14:47:08.000Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    Hello! When I try setting a static IP, it never reboots; it just sits at a > cursor after I paste and hit Enter. Here is what I'm entering:

    --ip "${TINYPILOT_STATIC_IP="}"
    --router "${ROUTERS="}"
    --dns "${ROUTERS}" &&
    sudo reboot

    Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!


    • 3 replies
    1. C

      Hi Jamie, thank you for your message. I'm sorry you're having trouble setting a static IP address.

      You might be interested to learn that the next release of TinyPilot Pro adds functionality to configure a static IP address safely from within the TinyPilot web interface. If you're happy to wait until the release, you might find this a preferable way to configure your TinyPilot device. I don't have an exact timeframe for when the release will be available, but it should be quite soon.

      If you'd prefer to continue with the existing method, that's also fine, and it will continue to work after the release. The issue is that the variables must be set first rather than manually substituted. Using the values from your message, this means you'd need to start by running the command below exactly as shown:


      You'd then need to run the following command precisely as shown without making any changes to the variable names:

      /opt/tinypilot-privileged/scripts/set-static-ip \
        --ip "${TINYPILOT_STATIC_IP}" \
        --router "${ROUTERS}" \
        --dns "${DNS}" && \
        sudo reboot
      1. JJamie Dewoody @jdewoody
          2024-01-30 18:42:56.596Z

          Thank you very much. I must have mistyped something before, because I had tried that way as well. It worked!

          I look forward to that change in the web interface :)

          1. Thanks for confirming; I'm pleased you've successfully set the static IP address on your TinyPilot device. If you have any questions, please get back to us!