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TinyPilot won't load on web browser

By @KiMcHi04
    2024-07-26 13:11:38.650Zassigned to
    • @david

    I have two TinyPilots using Tailscale and both are "connected" according to Tailscale. When I attempt to access the TinyPilot through Chrome, the site can not be reached. This issue came about two days ago after ~6 months of flawless use on both TinyPilots. I didn't get any error/notification other than the website stopped loading. The devices attached to the TinyPilot are all on and operational, therefore something to do with my browser?

    • 1 replies
    1. David @david2024-07-29 11:35:26.343Z

      Hi @KiMcHi04, I'm sorry you're running into this issue loading the TinyPilot web interface.

      Can I ask how you normally connect to the TinyPilot web interface? Do you use your TinyPilots' hostnames or their Tailscale IP addresses?

      Are you able to ping your TinyPilot's over Tailscle or SSH into them?

      Could you share a screenshot (or share a transcription) of the full Chrome error?

      Please let me know if you have any questions.