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Issue with USB connection to laptop

By Joe Audet @joeaudet
    2024-07-26 21:58:36.119Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    Hello - I have a dell 5400 laptop that I use for work. I want to be able to use the tinypilot KVM to access this in the house. It just arrived, and sometimes it will connect and work, but it only does for a couple of minutes and I end up with an error 'Unknown USB device (device descriptor request failed)'.

    Any idea what is happening? If I reboot a couple of times I will get it to show as the composite device, but then it seems a device refresh occurs and it breaks again. Not sure if this is fixable.


    • 5 replies
    1. C

      Hi Joe, thanks for your message. I'm sorry you're having problems with USB errors. There could be several explanations for this issue, so we must investigate.

      As the problem is intermittent, the most likely explanation is a loose connection. Could you please connect your TinyPilot device to a different USB port on the target computer? If possible, please also try connecting the TinyPilot device to a different computer entirely and check if the issue still occurs.

      1. JJoe Audet @joeaudet
          2024-07-30 01:04:50.958Z

          Hello - I tried (3) different USB ports on my primary laptop (the one this is destined to control) and (2) on my wife's Asus laptop, also running Windows 10. I have tried reconnecting a couple of times, hers gets 'Unknown USB device' consistently, mine at least would work occasionally for a couple of minutes. Thanks

          1. Thanks for getting back to me!

            I suspect this might be a faulty USB-C to USB-A cable or a faulty port on the TinyPilot device itself. Do you have a spare USB-C to USB-A cable that you could try? If the target computer has a spare USB-C port, you could also try a USB-C to USB-C data cable.

            If trying another cable doesn't work, or you don't have a suitable cable to test with, can you please connect the TinyPilot device to the target computer using the supplied USB-C to USB-A cable and then send me a link to your debug logs by going to System, then Logs, then Get Shareable URL?

            1. JJoe Audet @joeaudet
                2024-07-31 13:12:50.176Z

                Hello - I tried a different C -> A cable and had the same issues. Unfortunately these laptops do not have a USB C port to try.

                Shareable link:


                1. Thanks for testing this with the other computers and cables; I appreciate your taking the time to diagnose the problem with me.

                  I've reviewed the logs, but unfortunately, they only show that USB errors are occurring and don't highlight a specific cause. At this stage, the most likely explanation is that the USB-C port on your TinyPilot device is faulty.

                  Can you please confirm if you ordered directly from us using the e-mail address on your forum account? If so, I can ask our customer support team to contact you to discuss a replacement.