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TinyPilot won't network.

By Michael Richards @tsamop
    2024-08-08 23:08:14.038Zassigned to
    • @david

    I have not used my TinyPilot for 6 months or so, I just turned it back on, and it does not show up on the network.

    --NIC interface lights don't blink, they are both solid green/orange.
    --interface light on UniFi Switch 8 is solid green, Switch says something is connected
    --can't see any TinyPilot in the UniFi interface
    --nmap over the DHCP range shows everything else on the network, but no TinyPilot
    -- I tried 3 different patch cables, they work for other things.
    -- right light on Tiny Pilot is red, left light blinks green at random intervals.

    • 1 replies
    1. David @david2024-08-09 11:28:49.387Z

      Hi @tsamop, I'm sorry you're running into this networking issue on your TinyPilot.

      If your TinyPilot isn't showing up on the network at all and you haven't used it in a long time, my first suggestion would be to perform a factory reset.

      Could you try a factory reset on your TinyPilot's microSD card to see if that puts your TinyPilot into a working state (and allow it to join your network)?

      Please let me know if you have any questions.