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Incomplete Articles

By @wavesound
    2024-08-30 16:41:00.247Zassigned to
    • @david

    Hello, I was reviewing but noticed that the article does not specify what file to modify after SSHing into the TinyPilot.

    In what file do I enter the following?

    # The leading space on the next line excludes it from the shell's history.
    • 1 replies
    1. David @david2024-09-02 08:11:49.133Z

      Hi @wavesound, I'm sorry you're running into this issue setting up Wi-Fi on your TinyPilot.

      Reading the FAQ again, I can see that it's not quite explicit enough with explaining the process. I've created an internal issue to update the FAQ.

      The snippet you're referencing is a group of bash variables that you set once you SSH into your TinyPilot.

      To use those variables, I'd recommend first copying them to a simple text editor so you can replace the values within the quotes as required. Next, copy and paste the whole snippet into your TinyPilot's terminal and hit Enter to set the variables.

      With the variables set, you can then run the second snippet (again copy and paste all of the lines into TinyPilot's termainl and hit Enter - you don't need to edit this snippet):

      sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country "${WIFI_COUNTRY}" && \
        sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_ssid_passphrase "${WIFI_SSID}" "${WIFI_PASSPHRASE}" && \
        sudo reboot

      Your TinyPilot will run the commands in the second snippet using the variables you set in the first snippet to configure and enable your Wi-Fi.

      I hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any questions.