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Fan control isn't working?

By David @david2024-10-14 11:22:37.696Zassigned to
  • @david

Solved in post #8, click to view
  • 8 replies
  1. E
      2024-10-11 22:41:47.022Z

      Hi David, I just received mine and noticed the fan behaviour you are describing doesn't match my experience. With SSH I can see that the fan is configured with a temp point of 60 degrees (C) and hysteresis of 10. The CPU is consistently around 40C so I would expect the fan to be off, this is however not the case. Given that I assume I have the "newer" model, how can I turn the fan off at <50 temperatures?

      1. David @david2024-10-14 11:45:30.545Z

        Hi @Emptyless, I'm sorry you're running into this fan issue. I've moved your post to its own thread so we can focus on it here.

        It's interesting that you're experiencing different behavior here. Like you mentioned, TinyPilot's fan normally turns on at 60°C and turns off again once the CPU temperature drops 10°C lower than that (<50°C).

        Is your TinyPilot's fan ever turning off (for instance, when your TinyPilot is idle after booting with no connected target machine)? Can I ask how you're monitoring your device's temperature?

        Could you share a TinyPilot log with me to review? On your TinyPilot web interface, go to System > Logs and click Get Shareable URL. Then paste the link in your reply.

        Please let me know if you have any questions.

        1. E@Emptyless
            2024-10-15 18:44:03.388Z

            Hi @david , thanks for your reply. To check the temperature I SSH into the TinyPilot device and run (this is without HDMI or Data connected):

            pilot@tinypilot:~ $ sudo vcgencmd measure_temp

            The fan continues to blow nonetheless.

            Here are the logs:

            1. David @david2024-10-16 13:55:36.264Z

              Thanks for those details, @Emptyless.

              This behavior definitely doesn't sound correct. Could you share the last line of /boot/conf by running this command and pasting it in your reply?

              tail --lines 1 /boot/config.txt

              Are you able to share a video showing the fan running with the CPU temperature low? Perhaps recording the device and then showing the following command running at the same time?

              sudo watch -n 0.5 vcgencmd measure_temp

              If we can confirm the fan is permanently running in these conditions, it's possible your device's fan doesn't properly connect to the fan control pin.

              Please let me know if you have any questions.

              1. E@Emptyless
                  2024-10-27 12:28:18.826Z

                  Hi David, apologies for the delayed reply. The last line of the /boot/config.txt is:

                  pilot@tinypilot:~ $ tail --lines 1 /boot/config.txt

                  Not sure if these are the 100% original values as I already tried tweaking them a bit (higher temp, lower hyst) as my first hypothesis was that these were overpermissive. but my 30C to 35C << 55-10=45C

                  Attached is a video showing that the fan remains on with the suggested command running on my Macbook (note for those watching the video, the real life voice is not as loud as the video but a result of putting the mic right next to the fan at the end)

                  1. David @david2024-10-28 12:35:22.372Z

                    No problem!

                    Thanks for sharing all that. That line in /boot/confix.txt doesn't look like it's the default, but the fan should still be off in your video if everything was working correctly, so I think there's a hardware issue here.

                    I've reached out to our customer support team to help with this. You should receive an email from them soon.

                    Please let me know if you have any questions.

                    1. E@Emptyless
                        2025-01-19 12:04:51.391Z

                        Just want to post an update that support reached out for a swap of the device which has been running stable ever since, thanks!

                        1. David @david2025-01-20 11:50:11.662Z

                          Thanks for the update, @Emptyless! You're welcome - I'm happy your replacement device is working as expected.

                          Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

            2. Progress
            3. @david accepted an answer 2025-01-20 11:50:10.341Z.