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Raspberry pi 5

By Pauley C @pauleyc
    2024-11-04 11:35:49.089Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    Hi, I’m using the tiny pilot software on Raspberry Pi 4.

    Does the software run on a raspberry pi 5? If yes, is there a noticeable performance (latency ) advantage compared to the 4?

    • 1 replies
    1. C

      Hi Pauley C, thanks for your great question about running TinyPilot on the Raspberry Pi 5!

      Unfortunately, TinyPilot doesn't currently run on the Raspberry Pi 5, as the underlying operating system isn't compatible. We have internal tickets open to look into adding support, but we don't have a firm timeframe yet. I'd recommend watching our blog and change log, as we'll announce support there when it's ready.