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tinypilot nvr integration

By jef097 @jef097
    2021-07-09 00:24:50.400Z

    dear group,

    i bought tinypilot pro, in order to control my two nvrs in server room( ground floor) from my office ( first floor ) via our local lan .

    i bought all hardware mentioned in the video

    as of now i cannot use mouse movements on my pto control the nvr at all… pls help me i am clewless how to get it done


    • 8 replies
    1. Hi Jef, sorry you're running into these issues.

      Can you try removing the AIMOS KVM from your setup and seeing if it works when you connect TinyPilot directly to one of your NVR systems?

      1. Jjef097 @jef097
          2021-07-09 21:21:14.096Z

          hi michael,

          first thanks for your reply , i bought all the tested components to avoid compatibility issue .

          in your advise , u need me to connect tinypilot directly to nvr without event the hdmi repeater ? i will do that tomorrow and update you.

          mean while the issue is the setup cannot translate mouse movement to nvr, keyboard is ok. will keep you posted tomorrow.

          1. The AIMOS KVM works, but it's not an officially supported component. If we're trying to track down why the mouse isn't passing through, it'll be easier if we cut out the third-party components to see if it's an AIMOS problem or a TinyPilot problem.

            1. Jjef097 @jef097
                2021-07-10 09:27:30.128Z

                hi michael

                its not translating mouse movement, although mouse right click , scroll is taken on the old mouse location in the nvr. so i think their is a bug moving or translating the mouse movement from web interface to nvr side .

                note that nvr i use is dahua and mouse translation is important to operate nvr small screen that represent camera channel.

                appreciate your support


                1. Hi Jef, sorry to hear you're still seeing issues. Can you share your logs from System > Logs in the web dashboard?

                  1. Jjef097 @jef097
                      2021-07-18 12:44:23.473Z

                      see the logs here


                      i appreciate you fast help

                      1. Unfortunately, there isn't anything helpful in the logs. The logs show no mouse errors, so the TinyPilot device thinks that it's sending mouse movement successfully.

                        Sadly, there's nothing else I can think of to diagnose this issue.

                        If this prevents you from using TinyPilot for your environment, I can take a return for a full refund if you send an email to

                  2. In reply tomichael:
                    Jjef097 @jef097
                      2021-07-12 08:37:41.371Z

                      also i tried usb2.0 and usb3.0 ports on the nvr to translate mouse movments , both didnt work .