does tinypilot allow me to power cycle/reboot the target computer?
By Jason2 @jason2
- @cghague
I could not tell from reading the website. Does TinyPilot allow me to reboot the computer it is monitorinig, say if it is in a hung state? Thanks! - Jason
- CCharles Hague @cghague2025-01-13 22:49:21.136Z
Hi Jason2, thanks for your question about power cycling the target computer using TinyPilot.
TinyPilot can't power off or reboot the target computer, as there's no way to do this over the standard USB keyboard and mouse connections. If the target computer is responsive, you can use TinyPilot to shut the target computer down via its operating system. We're always looking for ways to improve TinyPilot, so I'll share this with the team as a potential feature suggestion.