Green lines on screen when using Wi-Fi
By David @david2025-03-13 15:25:03.759Zassigned to
- @david
- AAther @ather
I have the green lines issue when using the C790 HDMI board over WiFi.
When I connect it using ethernet cable it works perfectly.
David @david2025-03-13 15:28:04.897Z
Hi @ather, I'm sorry you're running into this display issue when using Wi-Fi.
I've moved your comment to its own post so we can discuss it as a standalone issue.
Are you seeing this issue on a device you built yourself? And can I confirm that you're referring to this HDMI capture device?
Please let me know if you have any questions.
- AAther @ather
Yes, I did build one using RPi 4 and Geekworm C790.
I also have Geekworm X630 with the X1300 A2 I2S board and didn't face any issue with that board.
I don't understand, could it be due to Wi-Fi interference ?