I just ordered the Voyage 2!
By Scott Stauffer @ScottStauffer
I'm curious what PoE HAT will be used in the Voyager 2 option coming in January?
I know I won't likely be able to upgrade the one that i just ordered, but still very curious...
- Michael Lynch @michael2021-12-09 20:26:57.568Z
Thanks for your order!
We're custom making our own PoE HATs. None of the commercially available ones we've seen protect against reverse current, so there would be a risk of incorrect power backflows between the target computer and the TinyPilot device.
- GGuy Robertson @guybor
Can your custom PoE Hat be purchased and added to an existing TinyPilot?
Michael Lynch @michael2022-06-22 16:26:01.989Z
Hi Guy. We typically don't offer the HATs on their own, but you can email support@tinypilotkvm.com, and we can try to figure out a solution for you. The Voyager 2 PoE HATs will fit inside a Voyager 2 case but not a Voyager 1 case.