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Macbook Pro Target Machine

By Michael @michaelguild13
    2022-03-19 13:00:46.082Z

    I've connected the TinyPilot usb C data to the Macbook usb C. And, I've done the same for the HDMI via a macbook dongle.

    Within TInyPilot, I am able to view the Target Macbook pro, but no keyboard or mouse data seems to make it to the target machine from TinyPilot.

    Am I connected wrong?

    Solved in post #5, click to view
    • 5 replies
    1. M
      Michael @michaelguild13
        2022-03-19 16:46:37.458Z

        It would be awesome if there was a "how to...." video

        1. M
          In reply tomichaelguild13:
          Michael @michaelguild13
            2022-03-21 03:39:59.820Z

            @michael I am unable to debug. I did turn on the accessible keyboard viewer to double check. And it seems it's not getting anything.
            Can you please help? I specifically purchased the Voyager 2 in hopes of being able to remote into my macbook pro 2019 ( intel Monterey)

            1. M
              In reply tomichaelguild13:
              Michael @michaelguild13
                2022-03-21 04:24:28.464Z

                Got it to work. TL:DR I am a fool and didn't think to use the USB-A to USB-C cable to connect to the dongle. I assumed a USB-C to USB-C from the tinypilot to a macbook pro would be fine.

                What I had to do was the following :
                Macbook pro -> dongle (apple's standard dongle) -> hdmi & usb-a -> tinypilot hdmi & usb-c

                Reply1 LikeSolution
                1. In reply tomichaelguild13:
                  Diego @diego
                    2022-03-21 17:19:48.987Z

                    Thank you Michael for posting the solution to your problem, and I'm sorry you had to go through all that hassle. But luckily you solved this yourself! Well done!