Does Vovager 2 able to mount multiple virtual media at the same time?
Does Vovager 2 able to mount multiple virtual media at the same time? I need to mount the ISO file to boot and second virtual media for driver installation. Can this be done? At the moment, I can only mount one virtual media at a time.
- Diego @diego
Hello Ying! I'm sorry to say it is not possible to mount multiple virtual media at the same time through the TinyPilot web interface. Only one at a time. We may incorporate this feature in a future release though!
I am investigating if there is any other way to accomplish this, perhaps through the command line. Stay tuned.
Diego @diego
I investigated into this and while it may be theoretically possible to mount multiple virtual media with the Linux Gadget API (how TinyPilot emulates USB devices), it is not something you would be able to do easily on your own. It goes far out of our scope, in terms of technical assistance.