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How to know IP address (without looking into router)

By @test513607a
    2021-03-21 02:48:07.722Z

    Looking into router is one way (But unfortunately, my landlord has the router credentials to look into the router)
    Is there anyway I can identify the IP that I would be hitting in the browser of my target laptop to access host laptop(the laptop connected to tinypilot).
    Please let me know.

    I know I can do ipconfig and find the ip on the LAN of my currently wifi connected host laptop.
    Will it be the same when connected through tinypilot. ?
    I am planning to buy a 30ft ethernet cable to connect hostlaptop-tinypilot to router. I suppose that wouldnt amount to much lag.

    • 2 replies
    1. Michael Lynch @michael2021-03-22 19:18:54.929Z2022-04-29 19:29:43.999Z

      To find the IP address of the TinyPilot?

      You can SSH in and then type ip addr or ipconfig to find your TinyPilot's IP address.

      If you want to make sure the TinyPilot's IP doesn't change, you can set a static IP address.

      1. T@test513607a
          2021-05-25 04:13:56.578Z

          Please include this in your documentation
          the first time somehow it worked with https://tinypilot/
          Later it wouldnt recognize, had to follow the above documentation to find the devices with open port 22 (as mentioned in your instruction manual), and found the IP using nmap