How do I know H264 is enabled besides seeing "Janus" in htop ?
I am skeptical because I would assume that if H264 was enabled then "JPEG" quality settings shouldn't make any difference since that MJPEG controls specifically correct? But the slider does still change the quality, despite the command running successfully to enable H264 it doing the on-device compile, and then rebooting, after a good 30 minutes). Also so see the settings reflected in settings.yml, however the performance "feels" the same honestly.
- Diego @diego
Hello @Alt0 - Thank you for posting your question here in the Forum.
Please try the procedure in this post so you are completely sure H264 is enabled.
Regarding Systems > Video Settings: Frame rate (FPS) still has an effect, but JPEG quality doesn't. We're working on integrating H264 support into the web UI so that the settings match the video mode you're using.
If you don't see performance differences, you could try to do some tuning on H264. Let me know if this works for you.
Interesting! It is showing mjpeg when executing:
document.getElementById('remote-screen').shadowRoot.getElementById('mjpeg-output').src === '' ? 'h264' : 'mjpeg'Should I rerun the process at root user?
OK I ran it again and it shows h264 now. Does it revert back when messing with the Video Settings slider?
Diego @diego
Hey @Alt0,
No, it shouldn't not revert back to MJPEG if you play around with Video Settings.
Have you enabled the read only filesystem by chance? That would explain changes being lost upon a reboot.
Otherwise it just looks like H264 wasn't properly activated the first time you ran it. Let me know if you encounter further issues.