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server not starting up

By @remote
    2021-03-24 16:21:13.968Z

    I just got the tiny pilot and followed the instructions. When I go to https://tinypilot/ I get a server not found error

    Solved in post #5, click to view
    • 4 replies
    1. Thanks for reporting this! Sorry for the trouble.

      The first boot takes about 5 minutes. If it's still not booting after that, it might be a corrupted microSD. If you email me your order number, I can send you an image to reflash.

      1. R@remote
          2021-03-26 18:57:08.635Z

          I have reflashed it and I am still unable to connect to the server. How can I tell if its even running? I keep getting an error "tinypilot refused. to connect"

          1. Hmm, if it's not an image issue, it might be a networking issue. If you check the DHCP leases on your router, do you see "tinypilot" in the list of local hosts? Can you reach other hosts on your network by hostname?

            When the TinyPilot is first powered on, do you see it flashing green and red activity lights? Do you see green and amber lights on the network port?

            1. R@remote
                2021-04-16 16:42:56.273Z

                I took a look at my DHCP record and I was able to access it by getting the IP address. after that I found out I was able to connect by navigating to https://tinypilot.local not https://tinypilot.

                Thanks for the help.
