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Unable to control device with tiny pilot

By @remote
    2021-04-19 17:49:19.044Z2021-04-19 18:26:02.621Z


    When I connect to tiny pilot I am able to see the scree of the device and it mirrors the device properly. However at the bottom left of the screen it says Disconnected and I am not able to control the device. The same issue happens when I connect it to a different device. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


    Solved in post #4, click to view
    • 22 replies

    There are 22 replies. Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    1. Hmm, the means that the browser wasn't able to establish a websockets connection with the TinyPilot in order to send keystrokes and mouse input.

      Can you share your application logs and check for any output in the browser JavaScript console?

      1. R@remote
          2021-04-20 15:43:53.843Z

          I am able to send key strokes when I ssh into the device. Logs and pictures have been sent to your email.

          1. Are you connecting through a proxy? In one of your screenshots, the browser is saying it doesn't understand the TLS response, which I've only seen happen when you're trying to access TinyPilot over a proxy or if you're trying to access its HTTPS port (443) over an http:// URL.

            In some of the screenshots, it looks like it's failing due to Safari not processing TinyPilot's JavaScript syntax, but it's because the Safari version is 13.1, which is now about a year old. Could you upgrade to Safari 14.0?

            1. R@remote
                2021-04-22 17:14:21.801Z

                After I updated it it seems to be working fine. thanks.

                1. In reply tomichael:
                  John Napoles @MinecraftJohn
                    2022-10-14 05:22:56.812Z

                    Hello sir, I have the same problem it displayed the screen, but I can't control the device.
                    Here's my logs: .
                    Browser's console log has no error and running on latest version. (Chrome, Edge, Firefox)

                    1. David @david2022-10-14 11:31:34.730Z

                      Hi @MinecraftJohn, sorry that you're running into issues controlling your target machine. And thanks for sharing your logs.

                      How are you powering your TinyPilot? Your logs are suggesting that your TinyPilot might not be drawing enough power.

                      1. John Napoles @MinecraftJohn
                          2022-10-14 12:21:04.790Z

                          I powered my tinypilot with a Charger for microUSB directly to UPS. I also tried it to the target PC but the result is the same.

                          1. David @david2022-10-14 18:08:13.914Z

                            Are you able to try powering it with a dedicated power adapter like this one?

                            It looks like this is a build-your-own TinyPilot too, is that right? Can you confirm that it's a Raspberry Pi 4 that you're using, and that it's using a heat sink? From your log, it looks like your device is thermal throttling which might be part of the issue.

                            1. John Napoles @MinecraftJohn
                                2022-10-15 00:27:09.164Z

                                I used Raspberry Pi 4 with dedicated power adapter like that, but it was not working. So that's why I tried to use my Raspberry Pi 3 to see if it solves the problem, but it doesn't and I'm out of idea so that's why I join here.

                                Raspberry Pi 4 has no low voltage warning, while the Raspberry Pi 3 has. (The log I sent to you was the Raspberry 3). Both of the Pi has the same problem I can't control.

                                Yes, these are build-your-own TinyPilot :)

                                1. David @david2022-10-17 11:08:50.728Z

                                  OK great! Thanks for the extra info.

                                  Can you share another log using your Raspberry Pi 4 and the dedicated power adapter setup? That should help me narrow down the issue.

                                  1. John Napoles @MinecraftJohn
                                      2022-10-19 01:21:18.824Z
                                      1. In reply toMinecraftJohn:
                                        David @david2022-10-19 12:05:07.954Z

                                        Thanks for sharing those logs, @MinecraftJohn.

                                        Could you tell me which port your USB cable is connected to?

                                        1. John Napoles @MinecraftJohn
                                            2022-10-22 07:33:37.537Z2022-10-22 08:42:43.440Z

                                            Today I tried doing what you said, reflash to Raspberry Pi (Lite) and followed the instructions. Sad to say it's still not working just like the normal OS.

                                            I don't understand what that means but I powered my Raspberry Pi with my dedicated power adapter connected to UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) and also tried connecting it directly to outlet (both on normal OS and Lite OS)
                                            My HDMI dongle is connected to the Blue USB.


                                            1. In reply todavid:
                                              John Napoles @MinecraftJohn
                                                2022-10-24 07:56:52.044Z

                                                Raspberry Pi 4 (Lite OS) logs:
                                                I connected the USB to the target PC it was at the back with the blue color.

                                                1. David @david2022-10-24 11:13:03.246Z2022-10-24 17:59:30.165Z

                                                  Sorry about that @MinecraftJohn, I realize that I wasn't clear when asking about the USB port.

                                                  This error can come up if you’re connecting to the wrong USB port on the Raspberry Pi 4B. For TinyPilot to emulate keyboard and mouse input, you need to connect the Raspberry Pi’s USB-C port to a USB port on the target computer.

                                                  Which USB port on the Raspberry Pi are you connecting to the target computer’s USB port?

                                                  1. David @david2022-10-24 14:37:03.637Z

                                                    Just to let you know @MinecraftJohn, I edited this response because it was worded weirdly. Hopefully it's now clear. Sorry about that.

                                                    1. In reply todavid:
                                                      John Napoles @MinecraftJohn
                                                        2022-10-27 00:51:26.602Z

                                                        I connected my USB type C to the Raspberry Pi power port (the port where you power the device) and the USB A to the computer target USB port at the back with the color blue on it.

                                                        1. David @david2022-10-27 17:59:45.017Z

                                                          It sounds like your TinyPilot is set up correctly.

                                                          Can you try using a different USB-C cable? I know that a lot of USB-C cables are only wired for power and don't have any data lines. So I'm wondering if that might be the case here? We've had good results with this cable.

                                                          1. John Napoles @MinecraftJohn
                                                              2022-10-29 01:06:55.644Z

                                                              I tried using 2 different USB-C cables, here are the logs:


                                                              Thsese USB-C cables are actually from phone chargers

                                                              1. David @david2022-10-31 12:18:04.729Z

                                                                Thanks for sharing those logs! There aren't any functional differences between the two, so my suggestion would be to try a new USB-C cable that isn't from a phone charger, like this one. Are you able to try that and let me know if that solves the issue? I know it might sound a little odd, but the phone charger USB-C cables are likely wired only for power and not for data.

                                  2. In reply tomichael:
                                    Rramesh @rameshtkl
                                      2022-12-09 15:08:40.035Z

                                      Hi I am also facing the similar issue. I am able to connect. Its displaying the screen but i can't control the device.
                                      Here's my logs:

                                      1. David @david2022-12-12 12:16:17.566Z

                                        Hi @rameshtkl, sorry that you're also running into this issue.

                                        Thanks for sharing your logs! I can't see anything in there that immediately points to the cause of the issue, but they do confirm that your keyboard and mouse inputs aren't working correctly.

                                        Can you provide some more details about the problem? Is this a new TinyPilot Voyager 2? Can you double-check that the the USB-C cable connects to the 'data' port on your TinyPilot and the USB-A port on your target machine?