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Can TinyPilot use HDMI camera as video feed.

By @PrzyJ
    2022-12-23 12:07:28.439Z


    I have a specific use case in mind, one of our contractors needs remote access to an HMI panel with only USB and Ethernet ports. The USB is for the Mouse and Keyboard and since the panel has no video in/out I would like to use an HDMI camera as a video feed. Is it possible?

    • 1 replies
    1. David @david2022-12-23 13:24:11.609Z

      Hi @PrzyJ, thanks for your question!

      TinyPilot can accept just about any HDMI input - so there shouldn't be any problems displaying a feed from an HDMI camera.

      Hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.