enable SSH
my SSH access was disabled and unable to enable back. may i know how to enable it? thanks!

- CCharles Hague @cghague2023-01-29 03:44:17.437Z
Hi @ord00223 - thanks for reaching out to us, I'm sorry to hear you're having issues enabling SSH.
The system appears to be detecting SSH as disabled despite the files required to enable it already being present. This type of inconsistency can sometimes happen due to filesystem corruption but it's difficult to confirm based on this error message alone.
Could you please share your debug logs with me by going to System, then Logs and then clicking on Get Sharable URL? Could you please also try connecting via SSH regardless of the state reported in the web interface to verify that it is actually disabled?
please find the log below:
https://logs.tinypilotkvm.com/eIr3UIvTand screenshot when i tried ssh
- CCharles Hague @cghague2023-01-30 09:47:05.412Z
Thanks for getting back to me! I've reviewed the logs you provided but they didn't contain any additional information relevant to this issue. It seems that SSH is indeed disabled so unfortunately our options for further investigation and troubleshooting are limited.
I did note that your TinyPilot device is running TinyPilot Pro 2.4.1 which is quite outdated. It's possible, albeit unlikely, that updating your TinyPilot device to the latest software may fix the issue. You can do this by going to System and then Update.
I appreciate it's a hassle but, if updating doesn't help, then the only other way to restore SSH access would be to factory reset your TinyPilot device. I'd recommend enabling the read-only filesystem afterwards to reduce the chance of filesystem corruption happening again in future.
i have updated the version and it works. the SSH is enabled again. thanks!
btw may i know is there any method to power on back the tinypilot once we shut down it via GUI?
- CCharles Hague @cghague2023-02-06 17:14:10.375Z
Thanks for getting back to me, I’m pleased to hear that updating helped.
The only way to turn your TinyPilot device back on after shutting it down is to physically disconnect and reconnect the power supply. This is because the network connection is completely severed once the device has been turned off. We’d recommend leaving the device powered on and using the restart option if a power cycle is required.