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Update failed from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0

By Alexander @alexan
    2023-02-06 09:13:42.346Z

    I can't update the tinypilot

    The update failed: Command '['sudo', '/opt/tinypilot-privileged/scripts/update']' returned non-zero exit status 2.

    Please advise,

    Solved in post #4, click to view
    • 3 replies
    1. C

      Hi Alexander, thanks for reaching out to us. I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues upgrading.

      The logs seem to suggest that a newer version of TinyPilot Pro might be partially installed. Can you try forcing a reinstallation by enabling SSH and running the following commands?

      if [[ -f /opt/tinypilot-updater/install ]]; then
        (sudo apt remove -y tinypilot || true) && \
          cd /opt/tinypilot-updater && \
          sudo ./install
      1. A
        In reply toalexan:
        Alexander @alexan
          2023-02-06 21:10:27.793Z

          after update, now I can't access the GUI. It showing error of
          "{"code":null,"message":"The database file is not compatible with the current version of the app."}"

          1. C
            In reply toalexan:

            Thanks for getting back to me, I’m sorry to hear that didn’t work. It seems like the upgrade is still in an inconsistent state. Could you please visit the download page, enter your license details and then follow the alternate instructions for a command line installation? This will attempt to reinstall using a different method. I’m hopeful this will resolve the issue, but if not could you please try a factory reset? I appreciate it’s a bit of a hassle but it’s likely to be the quickest way to get your TinyPilot device back up and running.
