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Use tailscale keyboard to double click

By Jmaxtein @jmaxtein
    2023-02-08 19:21:15.436Z

    I’m using tail scale to view my Remote Desktop using my phone. I can see the pointer but I’m wondering if there is a keyboard stroke that i could use to double click since i can’t double click using my phone screen

    • 1 replies
    1. David @david2023-02-09 12:58:49.769Z

      Hi @jmaxtein, thanks for your question!

      There isn't a keystroke built into TinyPilot's software to emulate a mouse's click. But - depending on your target machine's operating system - you can use software like autohotkey to map keyboard keys to mouse clicks.

      We have an open issue to support touch screens on the TinyPilot web interface, but I've added turned your question into a feature suggestion to add left and right click buttons as part of the on-screen keyboard.

      Hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.