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By Murmad Man @manimgoindowndown
    2023-02-18 07:22:53.807Z

    im trying to see whether wireguard is more tolerable than my current tailscale setup

    i have the tinypilot connected to to a glinet mt3000 that has wireguard setup. technically that should be the setup. can access mt3000 but i cannot access tinypilot even though i have lan access. what's the deal, i thought this had to do with wireguard being setup on the m3000...i shouldn't have to do anything on the tinypilot (ie install a wireguard config) or do I?

    • 3 replies
    1. C

      Hi Murmad, thanks for reaching out with your question. Your TinyPilot device should be available to any computers on the same logical network, so if you have access to the same local network as your TinyPilot device through the VPN then you should be able to connect. Can you please let me know what happens when you try to access your TinyPilot device? Could you please also try to access your TinyPilot device using its IP address as name lookups may not work over the VPN?

      1. MMurmad Man @manimgoindowndown
          2023-02-19 20:55:43.441Z

          how do I find the external IP address of my tiny pilot? also my wire guard is set up on my windows PC to connect to my GLiNet router which is directly connected to my tiny pilot

          1. Thanks for getting back to me! The easiest way to find the IP address of your TinyPilot device is to check the management interface of the router your TinyPilot device is attached to. The exact location varies depending on the make and model but it is usually called something along the lines of “Connected Devices”. Once you have the IP address you should hopefully be able to use it to access your TinyPilot device from your Windows computer.