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How do I DNS resolve (view only) from a mobile device (LAN)

By @Alt0
    2023-02-19 02:12:44.283Z

    Hi. I cannot get past being able to view (only .. I know input isn’t supported) from iOS when on the same LAN.

    For example : decide name “tiny”

    But an IP address works:

    Chrome reports this when attempting to get there

    Get I change any settings on TP to have iOS DNS resolve this?

    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 4 replies
    1. C
      Charles Hague @cghague2023-02-19 19:01:47.087Z2023-02-19 19:10:12.371Z

      Hi @Alt0, thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble accessing your TinyPilot device on iOS.

      You should be able to access your TinyPilot device using its hostname with no special configuration required. Can you please try using the built-in Safari browser to rule out a Chrome specific issue and can you also please try using the https://tinypilot.local address format (replacing “tinypilot” with the hostname of your TinyPilot device)?

      Reply1 LikeSolution
      1. A@Alt0
          2023-02-19 19:03:28.364Z

          Hey that worked! Why did it need .local extension? I assume it must be something with how RPI hosts the web server?

          1. The .local address is due to your TinyPilot device advertising itself over mDNS to make it easier to connect to. The mDNS protocol allows devices to announce themselves, and discover other devices, on a network without depending on DNS servers or static host address mappings.

            1. A@Alt0
                2023-02-19 19:53:16.335Z
