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How do I remove the tiny pilot pro image from the browser?

By Murmad Man @manimgoindowndown
    2023-03-09 23:02:56.672Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    is there a way to remove that banner, and any tinypilot identifying information, or not?

    • 3 replies
    1. C

      Hi Murmad, thanks for your question about hiding elements of the interface.

      If you are comfortable editing HTML then you can modify the page resources directly on your device. The templates can be found in /opt/tinypilot/app/templates/. Some of the key files are as follows:

      • Menu bar: /opt/tinypilot/app/templates/custom-elements/menu-bar.html.
      • Login page title: /opt/tinypilot/app/templates/login.html.
      • Main page title: /opt/tinypilot/app/templates/index.html.

      Please note that any changes you make to these files will be lost during software updates and will therefore need to be reapplied each time you update your TinyPilot software.

      However, while it is possible to customise the web interface, there will still be multiple identifiers in the page source code and at a hardware level. Our article on whether anyone can detect when TinyPilot is being used contains more information on this.

      1. MMurmad Man @manimgoindowndown
          2024-06-12 14:33:28.551Z

          so i downloaded the menu htlm file, made a backup copy and want to reupload it to that directory using mobaxterm, but it says permission denied? how can i do it through a GUI like i am above and get permission?

          1. Thanks for your message! We don't support this type of change, so I'm limited in how much help I can offer, but I'm happy to provide a few pointers.

            Editing these files via the web interface isn't possible; you'd need to use the Terminal over SSH instead. Once you're connected, you'll find that the files are protected. However, you can modify them using the sudo command. For example, to use the nano text editor, you would run:

            sudo nano /opt/tinypilot/app/templates/login.html

            I hope this is helpful!