Can I install both tailscale and zerotier
Hi, I am wondering if the tinypilot Voyager 2a can have both tailscale and zero tier installed at the same time. Just wondering if there will be conflict since they both are VPN. And also is there any step by step instruction for zerotier like the one for the tailsclae?
Thank you
- CCharles Hague @cghague2023-04-17 08:53:40.913Z
Hi @Goinghome, thanks for your question about cloud access.
I’m not aware of any reason that you couldn’t use both Tailscale and ZeroTier on your TinyPilot device simultaneously. I’ve looked into it, and as far as I can see, the only consideration would be that you would need to ensure that both services and your local network are all configured with different network address ranges.
And also is there any step by step instruction for zerotier like the one for the tailsclae?
We don’t have a guide for ZeroTier yet, but the basic process would be to enable SSH and then follow the ZeroTier installation instructions.