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Getting 502 Bad Gateway error

By Gauri @Pauri
    2023-04-24 18:27:59.162Z

    Everything was working as expected with Tinypilot stopped working showing 502 Bad Gateway.

    Solved in post #6, click to view
    • 9 replies
    1. C

      Hi Gauri, thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry to hear that you're having connection issues.

      It sounds like your TinyPilot device might not have started up correctly. This could happen for a few reasons so we'll need to investigate further.

      Can you please check if the the red power and green activity status lights on your TinyPilot device (near the PWR and DATA ports) are illuminated? Could you please also advise if you've previously enabled SSH access for your TinyPilot device as that might be an alternative way to access it?

      1. P
        In reply toPauri:
        Gauri @Pauri
          2023-04-25 14:34:28.741Z

          Hi Charles

          The the red power and green activity status lights on my TinyPilot device (near the PWR and DATA ports) are illuminated correctly. Yes, I was able to successfully enable and configure the SSH access on the TinyPilot. TinyPilot was working great until last Friday.

          Last Friday the internet went down and we had to restart the home internet router. I had to switch off and on the power port to restart. Since then we are not able to access TinyPilot. Please read my old post Unable to see TinyPilot in IP scanner (TinyPilot not showing in Talescale).

          I tried resolving the issue by referring a forum on similar issues faced by another user. 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.14.2

          I tried enabling the SSH by mounting the microSD on another computer and placing an empty file called ssh on the boot partition. It still didn't work, so I went ahead and used a new microSD and followed

          Even after all this when I click on https://tinypilot I still get 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1/14.2 error on the browser. There is no way for me to SSH in to TinyPilot device. Please advise.

          1. P
            In reply toPauri:
            Gauri @Pauri
              2023-04-26 04:43:44.400Z

              Hi -- Request to please help on priority as my work is impacted. I even tried using a USB drive to factory reset the device. But no luck. Read almost all the forum posts where other users faced same issues.

              1. In reply toPauri:
                @fft2023-04-26 05:52:19.107Z

                Hi Gauri,
                I personally noticed, that I get the 502 bad gateway only on boot time, if I try to access TinyPilot too early. Especially the first boot takes longer as to me it seems system is setting up some things. So my assumption would be, that this could be the case. I would try to do the factory reset again, and than during first boot I personally go upstairs (HomeOffice) get a coffee, have a chat, and come back :-) You get the idea (give it 3-5 minutes I never measured it.) . If than the TinyPilot still is not reacting within the same network, than there might be another issue, but first boot takes longer. (All next boots take about 20 seconds)
                I hope this helps.

                thank you

                1. PGauri @Pauri
                    2023-04-26 18:41:37.882Z

                    Thanks Juergen, I appreciate your response. I have made a practice to wait longer to boot and patience :).

                    1. In reply tofft:
                      PGauri @Pauri
                        2023-04-26 18:43:04.519Z

                        I re-imaged a brand new USB drive to factory reset the device. []. Then, I restarted my router and removed and re-plugged the cables again and waited for 10 mins for the TinyPilot to reboot.. It did the magic. My issue is resolved and I can connect using https://tinypilot/

                      • P
                        In reply toPauri:
                        Gauri @Pauri
                          2023-04-26 05:58:26.131Z

                          Finally, my efforts paid off. I re-imaged a brand new USB drive to factory reset the device. []. Then, I restarted my router and removed and re-plugged the cables again. It did the magic. My issue is resolved and I can connect using https://tinypilot/

                          Reply1 LikeSolution
                          1. C
                            In reply toPauri:

                            Thanks for letting us know that you're back up and running! It sounds like you might have encountered a corrupted filesystem. You mentioned that this impacted your work, so if you wish, you can enable the read-only filesystem to reduce the likelihood of filesystem corruption occurring again in future.

                            1. PGauri @Pauri
                                2023-04-27 01:47:44.760Z

                                Sure, I will enable it. Thanks.