- @cghague
As in screen after every reset screen isnt loading. Web browser is showing this error Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway)
The one solution i found is going to system > video settings and changing frame rate to any other value and apply. After that screen is loading normally until next reset. Tried as well on mozilla firefox with same result.

- CCharles Hague @cghague2023-05-15 17:10:40.788Z
Hi Josef, thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues with video.
I’ve had a look through your logs and it seems that uStreamer is unable to bind to the network interface. This could happen because the network isn’t ready, or it could happen because the interface isn’t configured properly. I can see that you are running the hobbyist version of TinyPilot on a Raspberry Pi, so it’s also possible that another service might be interfering.
Can you please confirm that you are using a single Ethernet connection and that your Raspberry Pi is configured to wait for the network to be ready at boot? You can check this setting by going to Preferences, launching “Raspberry Pi Configuration”, and then checking the “Network at Boot” setting.
- YJosef @yesyes
Network at Boot was disabled so turned it on and tested out with same result. Also yes im using single ethernet connection. Right now its almost freshly booted system. I only installed tinypilot to locate problem.
- CCharles Hague @cghague2023-05-16 14:51:22.610Z
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Can you please try going to System, then Video and then selecting MJPEG? This will result in worse performance than H.264, but as MJPEG is a more robust format it may help us to narrow down the issue. I also noticed that it looks like you might be accessing the web interface from the same device that’s running the TinyPilot software. If that’s correct, could you please try accessing it from a different device and seeing if the same issue occurs?
- YJosef @yesyes
On another device its not working in same way. Until first change of settings its not opening image. On raspberry its MJPEG by default and any change in video settings make it work. Either changing to H.264 or changing frame rate in MJPEG.
- CCharles Hague @cghague2023-05-18 23:42:48.812Z
Thanks for confirming. It appears that restarting uStreamer fixes the issue which would suggest it's just the initial startup that is failing. I suspect this is due to a network configuration issue. Can you please run the following commands on your Raspberry Pi directly after a system restart and share the output?
sudo systemctl status ustreamer --no-pager && \ ifconfig eth0 && \ ifconfig lo
Once that's done, can you please run the following set of commands, share the output, and verify that the video starts working?
sudo systemctl stop ustreamer && \ sudo systemctl start ustreamer && \ sudo systemctl status ustreamer --no-pager && \ ifconfig eth0 && \ ifconfig lo
- YJosef @yesyes
Yea that fixed my problem. Thank you very much