Tiny Pilot Installation fails with Raspberry Pi 64 Bit Lite OS
- @cghague
I am trying to install TinyPilot on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2 GB RAM.
I installed the Pi OS Lite 64 Bit.
When I run the install with below command as root,
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tiny-pilot/tinypilot/master/get-tinypilot.sh |
bash -
It always errors out at the same step while installing TinyPilot.
Below is the error log. Please help.

- CCharles Hague @cghague2023-06-05 23:08:22.528Z
Hi Ooyy, thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear you’re having installation issues.
We’d normally recommend installing on the 32-bit version of Raspberry Pi OS. However, I believe that some users have had some success installing on the 64-bit version, so it may be possible. The error message suggests that there is a dependency issue. Can you please confirm that this is a fresh installation of Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye? If so, can you please try manually installing
by runningsudo apt install python3-dev