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Can't access tiny pilot interface

By @roj
    2023-07-11 03:33:32.896Z

    I purchased the tinypilot voyager 2a, i did all the necessary setup and i can't access any of the 3 interfaces.

    Error states:

    This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in tinypilot.local.

    How do i fix this?

    • 3 replies
    1. @fft2023-07-11 05:03:12.306Z

      it depends how your DNS server (usually your router) makes tinypilot available in your local network. It could be:


      or something "wild". If the above does not work, than you should connect to your router, and check how TinyPilot can be found in your network. If the router has not "given" a name, it might be, that you have to access TinyPilot with the IP adress, thich looks like 10.0.0... or 192.168...... (4 digits in total separated by point.)

      If you do not have access to your router, you could do a network scan of the local network where TinyPilot is connected to. There are many free programs out on any operating system. Just google for "network scanner" or "network IP scanner". Such a program swipes thru the full network, and you should than see all machines. Either you have to try out all unknwon IP adresses, or there is a hint, that the scanner gives you TinyPilot as a name.

      I hope one of the ideas helps.


      1. R@roj
          2023-07-11 05:49:40.368Z

          Okay thanks,

          But my target machine(laptop) can't even see the device 'tiny pilot' when I connect USB cord to my computer. It doesn't see the device.

        • In reply toroj:
          @fft2023-07-11 08:12:00.381Z

          I don't understand really. Let's say the machine you want to "remote control" ist your laptop (remote machine from now on). You connect the TinyPilot with USB cable and HDMI you your laptop. Your Laptop might notice somewhere deep down in the device registration, that it has now a new external HDMI, and it might see a new keyboard/mouse controller. I never checked it.
          Than you connect the TinyPilot to thje network with an ethernet cable and have another machine (local machine) also connected to the same network. On that local machine you try to access TinyPilot with http://tinypilot.local NOT on the remote machine. For the remote machine,TinyPilot behaves totally transparent, if it is not secured specifically, it won't even notice the TinyPilot; and you definitely cannot access the TinyPilot on the remote machine with a browser only when connected with USB/HDMI. If TinyPilot is connected to the net, and yo is your remote machine, you can access it, but you get a picture like if two mirrors are standing in front of each other.

          So remote machine is connected to TinyPilot, TinyPilot is connected to LAN/WAN local machine is connected to same LAN/WAN as TinyPilot. So basically TinyPilot is a very long enhancement for HDMI and USB to the remote machine.

          I hope I understand your rpoblem correctly.
