- TGustavo Teófilo Kotelak @teofilo
Hello, i'm having the same issues.
It only works when i use HDMI's output, but the machine i must to virtualize has VGA output.
I already made a lot of tests, as "No Signal FAQ", change de EDID https://tinypilotkvm.com/faq/change-edid, the resolution ones, but nothing happends.
The version is 2.6.0
I'm using Windows 10
There's something more i can do?David @david2023-08-11 18:15:24.299Z
Hi @teofilo, I'm sorry you're experiencing this display issue.
Thanks for letting me know what you've already tried!
Could you share a log from your TinyPilot when you run into this issue with your VGA adapter? On your TinyPilot's web interface, navigate to System > Logs and click Get Shareable URL. Then share the URL in your reply.
- TGustavo Teófilo Kotelak @teofilo
Thanks for your attention.
Here is the Log: https://logs.tinypilotkvm.com/24B3XrvJ
When i access the link https://tinypilot/ for othe pc, its possible to control my computer, but the display shows the same "No Signal".
I reseted it two times.David @david2023-08-14 11:34:05.654Z
Thanks for sharing that log. The log is suggesting that your TinyPilot isn't receiving a display signal at all. Normally, we'd expect to see an unsupported resolution or another indication of the potential problem.
From your first message, it sounds like your HDMI cable is working correctly. So can you double-check that your VGA adapter receives power via the USB cable?
If both the HDMI cable and the VGA adapter are both working correctly, this could be an issue with how your target machine outputs its display signal. Can you share a screenshot of your target machine's display settings for your TinyPilot? On Windows 10, this is under Start > Settings > System > Display.
- TGustavo Teófilo Kotelak @teofilo
Hello @david!
About the resolution, i already see the suported resolutions.
The VGA adapter was bought together with tinypilot, and is receiving power via the USB cable, i had some tests with it, connecting a TV on my computer, works very well.
I'm sending the screenshots, but my windows is home single language, so i can't change it for english, the setup language is Portuguese (PT - BR). Sorry about that...
This one is showing two videos, the number 1 is the "VGA TO HDMI", 1920 x 1080.
This one is about the Advanced Display Settings
Here's the screenshots of my monitor.
Another LOG: https://logs.tinypilotkvm.com/HqrB6Zvl
Thanks for your attention!
David @david2023-08-14 18:55:54.975Z
Thanks for those screenshots and the new log!
It looks like your target machine is outputting at 1080p 60Hz, which is unsupported on TinyPilot. Are you able to change the display output to
to any of the resolutions listed in the VGA section of the supported resolutions FAQ? I'd recommend 1440x900 at 60Hz if possible, though any of the supported resolutions from the VGA table should work.Please let me know if that helps.
- TGustavo Teófilo Kotelak @teofilo
Interesting... i made the test, i tried with the supported VGA resolutions, the Message "No Signal" disappeared, but the display keeps in black.
The resolution 1440x900 at 60Hz, does't work. See the screenshot below:
But when a change it to 75Hz the "NO SIGNAL" disappeared, but the display keeps in black. Same results with 59,887Hz
Testing all resolutions to VGA adapter, i had the same issues.
This is the best result i have for a second, when i change the resolution. The same results testing 1440x900 at 75Hz
Here is the log: https://logs.tinypilotkvm.com/kFBQP2X1
But, it is some progress!
- TIn reply todavid⬆:Gustavo Teófilo Kotelak @teofilo
Ok, it works!!! i'll explain what i do.
It was just video settings, i discover the second monitor, or better, the VGA TO HDMI was working as a second monitor, and when i open something in the second monitor was possible to see and controled using tinypilot. But i dont want this works like that, so i use the WIN + P to "Duplicate the Video", and does't work.
I had to change the video setting from monitor 1, the monitor i use (LCD2490WUXi), to 1440x900 at 75Hz, isnt the best resolution to use but it works as well.
I dont know if i can make it using a better resolution, i'll make tests changing the EDID, for now i'm using the TinyPilot's default EDID.
Here's the screenshots from the Resolution config (PT-BR)
Finally :
Here is a new Log : https://logs.tinypilotkvm.com/X1OAecKc
If you know there is a way to improve the resolution it will be helpfull.
Thanks a lot @david for your support.David @david2023-08-15 11:11:02.357Z
Thanks so much for the update! I'm glad you were able to figure out the display settings.
Unfortunately, the VGA adapter has a limited selection of supported display settings to choose from. The VGA adapter can output 1920x1080 at 60Hz - but this isn't supported on TinyPilot, so you'll receive a "No Signal" message at that setting. 1440x900 at 75Hz is the best display setting compatible with both the VGA adapter and your TinyPilot.
Please reach out again if you have any other questions.