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No access to web interface: connection timed out

By David @david2023-09-07 12:28:55.407Z

  • 6 replies
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    with handling this problem
  2. T
      2023-09-06 22:32:39.727Z
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      1. T
          2023-09-06 22:37:38.901Z

          The error of is :

          This site can’t be reached172.16.1.218 took too long to respond.

          Checking the connection
          Checking the proxy and the firewall
          Running Windows Network Diagnostics

          1. David @david2023-09-07 12:40:26.616Zreplies totiny1573:

            Hi @tiny1573, I'm sorry you're experiencing this connection time out issue.

            Are you able to ping your TinyPilot on the network?


            Can you let me know whether you get a ping response from your TinyPilot?

            1. T
                2023-09-07 14:31:04.511Zreplies todavid:

                Hi David, it is working now after changing the old router to a new one.

                However, I got a new issue that key stroke doesn't go to the target computer even I send key stoke via the soft keyboard on screen.

                Do you have any suggestion?


                1. David @david2023-09-07 15:45:59.744Zreplies totiny1573:

                  Thanks for the update - I'm glad you're able to access your TinyPilot's web interface now.

                  Does this keystroke issue occur with all keys? And can you tell me whether your mouse works?

                  Could you type a few keys and then share a log from your TinyPilot for me to review? On your TinyPilot's web interface, navigate to System > Logs and click Get Shareable URL. Then paste the link in your reply.

                  1. T
                      2023-09-07 18:11:23.144Zreplies todavid:

                      Hi David, it is working properly now this morning. I don't know what happened.

                      Thank you very much

                      1. David @david2023-09-08 11:27:18.326Zreplies totiny1573:

                        Thanks for the update, @tiny1573!

                        Feel free to reach out again if you have any other questions.