Latency & Mouse issues
- @cghague
When logging to Tiny Pilot the latency is disturbing. Also, it seems I can't use the mouse button to click on options while in BIOS mode.
- CCharles Hague @cghague2023-09-22 17:38:34.389Z
Hi Armure, thanks for reaching out with your concerns.
On a well-provisioned local network, TinyPilot should achieve around 100-200 milliseconds of latency on its video stream. On slower networks or across the Internet, you may experience higher latency. You might be able to improve latency by switching to H.264 video and, if necessary, tweaking the settings to suit your environment.
Regarding mouse support in the BIOS, TinyPilot presents itself to the target machine as a composite USB device consisting of a mouse, keyboard, and, optionally, a USB storage device. This approach usually works well when the operating system is booted, but some BIOS software doesn't support composite devices and only recognizes the first input device (the keyboard). Updating the BIOS on the target machine to a newer version might fix this issue.