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Blank screen logging into BIOS.

By @chucky
    2021-05-22 15:24:16.821Z

    I hooked up my Hobbyist kit to my Intel NUC NUC8BEH and when I try to enter the UEFI / BIOS, I get a blank screen.

    Per this website, looks like there may be a resolution issue, Intel Help Page @

    If you're using an HDMI monitor or HDTV that doesn't support a resolution of 1024x768, you might not be able to access the Intel® Visual BIOS setup when pressing the F2 key.

    I have the same problem when I hook up an old TV, but it works on my new HP monitor. I'll keep playing with it and see what happens.


    I changed HDMI cables, same result, blank screen.

    I rebooted, hit the key for BIOS, got blank screen of course, but then I unplugged the HDMI cable from the Tinypilot, plugged it into the monitor, still blank screen.

    I unhooked the video cable from the Tinypilot and ran it to my monitor. I opened AnyDesk for viewing the screen and used the Tinypilot to control the keyboard mouse. I used Anydesk to reboot, opened the web browser with Tinypilot loaded and hit the BIOS key and I was able to get into the BIOS.

    I then booted back into the BIOS(using monitor for video and Tinypilot for keyboard mouse) and then switched the cable from the monitor to the Tinypilot dongle and it was able to display the BIOS screen (odd) , when I rebooted and hit the key to get into the BIOS, same result, blank screen (Tinypilot for video keyboard and mouse).

    • 6 replies
    1. Michael Lynch @michael2021-05-24 20:07:02.828Z2021-09-15 20:00:50.268Z

      The Intel NUCs video output behaves a little strangely. Can you try entering this command and let me know if it allows you to capture video?

      readonly EDID="/home/ustreamer/edids/tc358743-edid.hex"
      echo -ne "" | sudo tee "${EDID}" && \
        echo '00ffffffffffff0052628888008888882d1e0103' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '800000780aee91a3544c99260f50542540000100' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '0100010001000100010001010101d51b00505000' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '19400820b80080001000001eec2c80a070381a40' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '3020350040442100001e000000fc00546f736869' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '62612d4832430a20000000fd00323d0f2e0f0000' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '000000000000012a02030400de0d20a030581220' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '30203400f0b400000018e01500a0400016303020' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '3400000000000018b41400a050d0112030203500' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '80d810000018ab22a0a050841a3030203600b00e' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '1100001800000000000000000000000000000000' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        echo '00000000000000000000000000000045' | sudo tee -a "${EDID}" && \
        sudo v4l2-ctl --device=/dev/video0 --set-edid=file="${EDID}" --fix-edid-checksums

      TinyPilot will overwrite the EDID file whenever you update the software, so if you want to permanently use a custom EDID, run this command:

      sudo tee -a /home/tinypilot/settings.yml << EOF
      # EDID compatible with Intel NUC computers
      ustreamer_edid: |
      # Re-run TinyPilot configuration
      1. C@chucky
          2021-05-24 22:35:20.946Z

          Thank you for the reply! The only time I have to get to this is this weekend, I will give it a try and report back, thank you!

          1. In reply tomichael:
              2021-05-27 00:36:45.632Z

              Hello, I copied and pasted the whole command you listed, and received the following error:

              tee: /home/ustreamer/edids/tc358743-edid.hex: No such file or directory

              1. Oh, sorry I missed that this was Hobbyist, which doesn't have the TC358743 (that's only for Voyagers).

                Unfortunately, I haven't heard of this behavior before on the Hobbyist, so I can't suggest any remediations. If this prevents you from using the Hobbyist kit for what you intended, I can take a return for a full refund.

                Sorry, I wish I had a better answer.

                1. C@chucky
                    2021-05-29 20:44:26.803Z

                    I pulled a Voyager off of my other server and with the code you provided was able to get it to work! I'll take you up on your offer for a return, and I'll purchase another Voyager to replace the Hobbyist. Thank you!

              2. N
                In reply tochucky:
                Nicky Low @nickyzai
                  2021-07-21 16:43:03.261Z

                  Hi there, I just got myself a Hobbyist kit as well, and was able to access the BIOS on my NUC8i3BEH and NUC8i7BEH without issue. Do let me know if you guys wanted me to do some test scenario on it. =)