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Tinypiolet usage

By Prince MJ @Princemj
    2023-11-08 20:39:23.401Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    Can i use tinypiolet to connect my brothers pc thats in usa and i have a tiny piolet with me in india.

    • 3 replies
    1. C

      Hi Prince MJ, thanks for your question about using TinyPilot.

      You can use a third-party cloud solution to access a TinyPilot device over the Internet. However, the TinyPilot device would need to be with the computer you are connecting to, so in your example, the TinyPilot device would need to be physically connected to your brother's computer in the USA for you to access it from India.

      I hope this explanation clarifies the situation. I'd recommend checking out the reviews on our homepage as they can give a good overview of how TinyPilot is used.

      1. P
        In reply toPrincemj:
        Prince MJ @Princemj
          2023-11-09 02:47:02.134Z

          But i know someone has been using tinypilot in such a way that , his brother is in usa and my friend is in india and my friend connected in such a way that they are using ultraviewer and discord in order to make the connection successful. If you know please explain me that process.

          1. Thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with Ultraviewer or Discord, so I'm not sure how your friend might be using them alongside a TinyPilot device. One possibility is that they could be using the tools you mentioned to remotely access a computer in the USA that is showing the web interface of a TinyPilot device, also located in the USA, controlling another computer in the USA. However, that's an unusual and complex approach we'd not usually recommend.