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No Signal

By Eyob M @yeslook2
    2023-12-07 16:04:41.110Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    can you please help on the issue i am facing

    • 3 replies
    1. C

      Hi Eyob, thanks for reaching out to us. I'm sorry you're getting a "No Signal" error. I've reviewed the logs you provided, and unfortunately, they don't show the cause of the issue, so we'll need to investigate further.

      Can you please provide more detail on what hardware you are using? For example, whether you are using a VGA adapter, the target device's make and model, and whether the target device is connected directly to the TinyPilot device.

      1. Y
        In reply toyeslook2:
        Eyob M @yeslook2
          2023-12-07 19:37:19.709Z

          I am using MacBook Pro and Dell Latitude 5530 laptop and directly plugging the wire into tinypilot. It has been working for the past 4 month and no issue. This is the second TinyPilot that I bought and I am frustrating buying every 4 moth new device because there no one who can trouble shoot or help you after spending over $400.

          1. Thanks for getting back to me. I'm sorry you had to replace your TinyPilot device before; that's certainly not the experience we want you to have. I can't see any other messages from this account or the associated email address, but if you'd like to reach out to our customer support team by email, we'd be happy to look into this further.

            Regarding the issue itself, you mentioned two different target computers. Could you please let me know how you're switching between them? For example, are they using the same HDMI cable, with you manually moving it between them, or are they using separate HDMI cables, and you're swapping between them at the TinyPilot end?