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TinyPilot Voyager 2a stuck in DHCP loop

By @sciencesysadmin
    2023-12-07 21:20:54.705Z2023-12-07 21:30:29.260Zassigned to
    • @cghague


    I have a TinyPilot which currently seems to be stuck in a DHCP loop. Here is my logs from ISC DHCPD (redacted slightly):

    Dec 07 13:29:08 DHCPD_SERVER_NAME_REDACTED dhcpd[17375]: DHCPDISCOVER from d8:3a:de:ad:be:ef (tinypilot) via
    Dec 07 13:29:08 DHCPD_SERVER_NAME_REDACTED dhcpd[17375]: DHCPOFFER on to d8:3a:de:ad:be:ef (tinypilot) via
    Dec 07 13:29:08 DHCPD_SERVER_NAME_REDACTED dhcpd[17375]: DHCPREQUEST for ( from d8:3a:de:ad:be:ef (tinypilot) via
    Dec 07 13:29:08 DHCPD_SERVER_NAME_REDACTED dhcpd[17375]: DHCPACK on to d8:3a:de:ad:be:ef (tinypilot) via

    However, the device never comes up on the network. It never responds to ICMP pings or accepts connections on ports 80 and 443. Is there some check that the default TinyPilot image does after getting a DHCP lease that could be preventing it from actually initializing the network interface? The network that it is getting a lease on should have mostly unrestricted access to the Internet and the local network for any initial checks that the software would have to make.

    The TinyPilot device has been powercycled.

    Solved in post #5, click to view
    • 4 replies
    1. C

      Hi @sciencesysadmin, thanks for your message; I'm sorry you're having issues connecting to your TinyPilot device.

      I can confirm that TinyPilot devices don't need Internet access to start up and run. The DHCP requests suggest the device is working, at least partially, so we'll need to investigate further.

      You mentioned that the TinyPilot device doesn't respond to ping requests. Can you confirm if you're trying to ping via the IP address (as allocated by DHCP) or by the device's name (e.g., tinypilot.local)?

      1. S@sciencesysadmin
          2023-12-07 22:37:17.028Z


          Thanks for the reply. I did indeed try to ping it from the issued IP address, but I get no reply. I have tried from multiple different source networks, and I have confirmed that I can reach other devices via ICMP, HTTP, and HTTPS on the same destination network from the same source network.

          1. Thanks for confirming! It sounds like the TinyPilot device is partially booting but not getting to the point of launching some or all of the network services. Unfortunately, as the TinyPilot device doesn't have a local interface, it isn't possible to diagnose the issue further as we don't have a way to access the logs.

            The most likely explanation for the TinyPilot device failing to boot correctly is that the filesystem has corrupted, in which case you should be able to get it back up and running with a factory reset. I appreciate this is a hassle, so I'd recommend turning on the read-only filesystem afterward to reduce the chance of filesystem corruption happening again in the future.

            1. S@sciencesysadmin
                2023-12-08 17:42:02.397Z

                Hey Charles,

                I appreciate your help. I arrived on-site today to diagnose the TinyPilot and found that it had not in fact been powercycled since we had a PoE unit but thought that we did not. The "POWER" cable had been reseated but the network cable had not. I powercycled the machine and it was able to get on the network without further issue.

