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TinyPilot showing recursive display

By Charles Hague @cghague2023-12-08 17:36:20.688Zassigned to
  • @cghague

  • 2 replies
  1. Y
    bemnet tek @yesiam
      2023-12-07 20:54:32.226Z

      I am having this issue also any suggestion to resolve it. Thank you

      1. Hi bemnet, thanks for your message. I'm sorry you're having issues with using your TinyPilot device. I can see from your screenshot that you may have connected your TinyPilot device to the same computer you are using to access it.

        The usual way to set up a TinyPilot device is to connect it to the computer you want to control using the USB and HDMI cables. You would also connect the TinyPilot device to your network using an Ethernet cable. Once you've done that, you would use the web browser on a different computer on the same network to log in to the TinyPilot device, allowing you to see and control the target computer's screen.

        Can you please try setting up your TinyPilot device this way and see how it goes?