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Disable password complexity requirements

By @anders
    2023-12-28 11:43:29.480Zassigned to
    • @david

    Hi there,
    We're using several TinyPilots on internal networks in my company and would like the option of very short and simple passwords.

    Is there any configuration file I can edit to disable password complexity requirements? I.e. allow shorter than 6 character passwords?

    Having a concealed advanced options menu in security settings would be neat, but if you can point me to a config file that's fine for now.


    Solved in post #2, click to view
    • 1 replies
    1. David @david2023-12-29 12:21:40.961Z

      Hi Anders, thanks for your question!

      Unfortunately, there isn't a configuration file to simply edit the password complexity requirements.

      However, it is possible to change TinyPilot's password length requirements by editing /opt/tinypilot/app/request_parsers/ directly on your TinyPilot (you'll need to log in with SSH).

      In, you'll need to change _MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 6 to the number of characters you want to use. It's also a good idea to edit the Password must be 6-60 characters in length line to match the new rules you set.

      I should note that if you edit this file, any future TinyPilot software updates will overwrite the changes you've made, and they'll reset back to the TinyPilot defaults. This means that after an update, you'll receive a validation error even if you've already set a shorter password. In this situation, you'll need to log back in over SSH and set your changes to /opt/tinypilot/app/request_parsers/ again.

      I hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
