- @david
HI, I need help. I can see the mouse moving on my Desktop that has the tinypilot connected to it but on my MacBook the movements are severely delayed. The delay is about 30-45 seconds for me to see what it has happening. Log is here : https://logs.tinypilotkvm.com/eKPU1S0T
- David @david2024-03-22 15:30:34.697Z
Hi @marsinleo, I'm sorry you're running into this latency issue on your MacBook.
And thanks for sharing those logs! Those logs don't suggest there's any issues with your TinyPilot that would impact latency.
Can I ask whether you're accessing your TinyPilot web interface remotely over the Internet with a tool like Tailscale or remote.it? And could you tell me which browser you're using on your MacBook (i.e., Safari, Chrome, etc.) to access the TinyPilot web interface?
In the meantime, could you try some of the latency reduction techniques in our FAQ and see if any of those help improve latency here?
- M@marsinleo
I have tried both to connect via safari and chrome using the direct tinypilot.local and through tailscale. Same delay. I’ve restarted the MacBook, the host computer, and the tinypilot. The mouse I’m using for my MacBook works on my desktop in real time but the video is just extremely behind. I’ve tried both connection via WiFi and Directly to the modem using an Ethernet cord.
David @david2024-03-22 19:25:54.062Z
Thanks for the detail!
Has this latency issue only recently surfaced, specifically on your MacBook? Or have you always experienced this latency across different client machines?
Can you try adjusting your TinyPilot's video settings to reduce the frame rate and bit rate and see if that helps? 15 fps and 1Mb/s are reasonable starting points.
- M@marsinleo
I have only recently started having the latency issue. Specifically on my MacBook. I recently updated the software on my MacBook and the latency has decreased some but there is currently about a 3-5 second lag. This is after updating my video settings to the ones recommended above.
- MIn reply tomarsinleo⬆:@marsinleo
Hi Everyone,
I found the issue! I simply needed to plug the ethernet cord into the 2.5 speed port not the 1.0 speed port. This has fixed the latency.
David @david2024-03-29 12:12:27.369Z
Thanks for the update, @marsinleo! I'm glad you've found a solution.
Feel free to reach out again in the future if you have any questions.
- Progresswith handling this problem
- M@marsinleo
I also want to add that when using my MacBook for anything other than the tiny pilot webpage I have no latency.