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Can't connect Tinypilot

By James Cordova @james.cordova1113
    2024-05-15 15:02:29.967Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    Hi, I've used the Tinypilot so far and it worked fine. Yesterday, I bought a new one and I tried to change the hostname of it. It showed me an error but now for some reason both of Tinypilots are not working. Can you please help me to resolve this issue?

    • 4 replies
    1. J
      James Cordova @james.cordova1113
        2024-05-15 15:03:11.058Z

        Today I checked that hostname has changed for new Tinypilot although it showed me error message yesterday. So now I can only access via SSH but not working with Tinypilot.

        1. C

          Hi James, thank you for your message. I'm sorry you're having trouble connecting to your TinyPilot devices.

          TinyPilot devices have a default hostname of tinypilot. If your first TinyPilot device had still been set to the default hostname when you added the second TinyPilot device to your network, then they would have had the same hostname for a while. Two devices using the same hostname can lead to connectivity issues.

          As you've already changed the hostname of the new TinyPilot device, you should be able to solve this by restarting all the affected devices. Restarting the devices will cause them to readvertise themselves on the network. Can you please try restarting both TinyPilot devices and your computer and then try again?

          1. JJames Cordova @james.cordova1113
              2024-05-15 23:55:46.556Z

              Hi Charles, Thanks for replying. I tried restarting both TinyPilot devices quite a few times.

              old - it's completely not working and I cannot access either ssh or web interface.
              2nd tinypilot(actually not new I bought it a few months ago) - I can still access via ssh with a new hostname but the web interface is not working.

              I tried to do a factory reset for an old pilot but didn't work. What should I do? The interesting thing is when I plugged a 2nd Tinypilot yesterday, it worked fine with https://tinypilot.local) didn't check the 1st tinypilot at that time. After I tried to change hostname, the 2nd one was in the bug.


              1. Thanks for getting back to me! I'm sorry you're still having connection problems.

                I suspect the issue is due to a hostname clash and cached details somewhere on the network. Would you be able to look at the list of connected devices on your router? The list should show the IP addresses of your TinyPilot devices. Once you have the IP addresses, could you try connecting via them instead of the hostname (i.e., https://<ip address>)?