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Error installing

By @spongymike
    2024-05-19 16:33:47.476Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    I'm trying to install the software on a brand-new configured Raspberry Pi 4 with:

    curl \
      --silent \
      --show-error \ | \
        bash - && \
      sudo reboot

    ...but I get the following at the end:

    Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
    requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
    distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
    or been moved out of Incoming.
    The following information may help to resolve the situation:
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
     janus:armhf : Depends: libduktape205:armhf (>= 2.0.3) but it is not installable
                   Depends: libusrsctp1:armhf (>= but it is not installable
                   Depends: libwebsockets16:armhf (>= 4.0.19) but it is not installable
                   Recommends: lua-ansicolors:armhf but it is not installable
                   Recommends: lua-json:armhf but it is not installable
                   Recommends: ssl-cert:armhf
     tinypilot:armhf : Depends: python3:armhf but it is not going to be installed
                       Depends: python3-pip:armhf but it is not installable
                       Depends: python3-venv:armhf but it is not going to be installed
    E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
    + clean_up
    + sudo umount --lazy /mnt/tinypilot-installer
    + sudo rm -rf /opt/tinypilot-updater /mnt/tinypilot-installer

    What did I do wrong?

    • 3 replies
    1. C

      Hi @spongymike, thanks for your message. I'm sorry you're having trouble installing TinyPilot.

      That error occurs when you try to install TinyPilot on Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm. Unfortunately, TinyPilot isn't compatible with Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm yet. You'll need to switch to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye to install TinyPilot.

      I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions!

      1. S@spongymike
          2024-06-11 18:06:02.612Z

          Sorry I didn't respond sooner.

          You were right---reimaging the SD card with Bullseye worked.

          Can you add that to the docs, since the docs don't say anything about what is and isn't supported?


          1. Thanks for confirming; I'm pleased that you were able to get your device up and running!

            The pre-requisites section of the readme file specifies that TinyPilot requires Bullseye, but I agree it could be clearer. I'll check with the team and make changes if needed.