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Video Quality Over Internet

By Matt @fxpi
    2024-05-24 17:53:04.490Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    When I use TP on my local network the video is perfect and looks exactly like the screen on the laptop I have connected. When I go away from home, I use TailScale, and the video quality goes down. What solution gives the absolute best experience as if I was sitting at my laptop? I have considered buying another Windows machine and remoting into that one since the MS Remote Desktop seems to work well for other situations I use it for. This specific laptop must use TinyPilot to appear as if I am sitting in front of it.

    • 1 replies
    1. C

      Hi Matt, thanks for your message. I'm sorry you're having issues with video quality when accessing your TinyPilot device over the Internet.

      Video quality depends on many factors, so we'll need to investigate this in more detail to find a solution. As a starting point, can you please confirm if your TinyPilot device uses the H.264 video format when you access it over Tailscale? You can see the active video format in the bottom-left corner of the TinyPilot interface.