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Tinypilot is failing to stream h.264. Keeps disconnecting on MJPEG

By @gripsed23
    2024-05-30 03:42:11.835Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    Tinypilot is failing to stream h.264. Keeps disconnecting on MJPEG

    It is stuck frozen on MJPEG

    • 3 replies
    1. C

      Hi @gripsed23, thank you for your message. I'm sorry you're having trouble using H.264. There could be many explanations for this issue, so we must investigate further.

      Can you please send me a link to your logs as a starting point? You can do this by going to System, then Logs, then Get Shareable URL.

      1. G@gripsed23
          2024-05-31 10:19:26.428Z
          1. Thanks for getting back to me!

            I've reviewed the logs you provided and can see that you are using Tailscale. There can be many reasons why H.264 video doesn't work over Tailscale, so we'll need to investigate further.

            The logs show that your TinyPilot device is running TinyPilot Pro 2.6.1. One of the features we added in TinyPilot Pro 2.6.2 was support for enabling a STUN server, which can help with this type of issue.

            Could you please try upgrading the software on your TinyPilot device to the latest version and then try enabling a STUN server to see if that fixes the issue?