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500 Internal server error

By Revanth kolli @rkollipara99
    2024-05-30 16:31:03.669Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    Im trying to get connect to tinypilot.local
    I’m unable to get access. Please provide me some tips

    • 4 replies
    1. C

      Hi Revanth, thank you for your message. I'm sorry that you're having problems accessing your TinyPilot device. I can see that you've created two threads. I've merged the threads, as it'll be easier to diagnose the issue by keeping everything in one place.

      It would be helpful if you could provide some more information about your situation as a starting point. For example, is this a new TinyPilot device or one you've used successfully before, are you on the same local network as the TinyPilot device, and have you already enabled SSH?

      1. RRevanth kolli @rkollipara99
          2024-05-30 20:30:32.568Z

          Yes its a brand new tiny pilot device
          Yes I’m with same network
          My SSH is not enabled

          1. Thanks for getting back to me!

            There could be several explanations for this issue, including a faulty device, a corrupted microSD card, or a network issue. Can you please take a look at the power, activity, and network socket lights on your TinyPilot device and describe what they are doing? For example, which ones are on, if they're flashing, and so on. This information should help us to understand what your TinyPilot device is doing.

        • R
          In reply torkollipara99:
          Revanth kolli @rkollipara99
            2024-06-03 02:07:45.899Z

            I’m unable to access your given urls
            Please help me out