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BIOS screen is fully corrupted

By Alex Tsvetkov @alext
    2024-06-21 19:07:40.644Zassigned to
    • @david

    BIOS screen is corrupted, changing between black, green and almost unreadable.

    • 9 replies
    1. David @david2024-06-24 12:29:41.520Z

      Hi @alext, I'm sorry you're experiencing this display issue.

      And thanks for sharing those logs. Your logs suggest your TinyPilot is receiving a 1920x1080 resolution at 60Hz, which TinyPilot doesn't support. That could explain why you're seeing a corrupted image, however, we'd normally expect TinyPilot to show a "No Signal" in this scenario, so we'll have to troubleshoot this a little further.

      Does the screen look like any of the screenshots in our "How do I fix a scrambled screen image?" FAQ?

      Can I ask whether you're using a VGA adapter here?

      Please let me know if you have any questions.

      1. AAlex Tsvetkov @alext
          2024-06-24 18:39:39.165Z

          Hi David,
          yes -TinyPilot is connected using VGA to HDMI adapter. NUC computer was used. I also tried different resolutions by changing hdmi settings in config file, but result was still the same. BIOS screen is usually 640x480 on 60 HZ, right? An you saw attribute Error in tiny Pilot log, right?
          Thanks, Alex

          1. David @david2024-06-25 10:52:39.863Z

            Thanks for confirming those details, @alext.

            BIOS screen is usually 640x480 on 60 HZ, right?

            This depends a lot on the BIOS itself. Most modern BIOS support different display settings, and often 1080p. I'm unsure about the display settings your NUC's BIOS supports.

            Could you share some more details about the model of your NUC so I can research a little more?

            Can you explain the changes you made to config files?

            An you saw attribute Error in tiny Pilot log, right?

            These are the lines I referred to in the log you shared:

            Jun 21 19:56:01 tinypilot launch[456]: -- INFO  [31.822    stream] -- Got new DV-timings: 1920x1080p60.00, pixclk=148500000, vsync=45, hsync=280
            Jun 21 19:56:01 tinypilot launch[456]: -- INFO  [31.844    stream] -- Using resolution: 1920x1080
            Jun 21 19:56:01 tinypilot launch[456]: -- INFO  [31.844    stream] -- Using format: UYVY
            Jun 21 19:56:01 tinypilot launch[456]: -- INFO  [31.844    stream] -- Querying HW FPS changing is not supported
            Jun 21 19:56:01 tinypilot launch[456]: -- INFO  [31.844    stream] -- Using IO method: MMAP
            Jun 21 19:56:01 tinypilot launch[456]: -- INFO  [31.856    stream] -- Requested 5 device buffers, got 5
            Jun 21 19:56:01 tinypilot launch[456]: -- ERROR [31.857    stream] -- Can't start capturing: Invalid argument

            These lines suggest your TinyPilot is receiving a 1920x1080 resolution at 60Hz from the VGA adapter. Normally, we'd expect to see "No Signal" here if TinyPilot receives 1080p at 60Hz. It's possible the log was captured at a different time to when TinyPilot was displaying the BIOS.

            1. AAlex Tsvetkov @alext
                2024-06-25 19:23:13.497Z

                Hi David,
                We have NUC13TZi5. Log was collected right after Tiny Pilot restart (NUC shows BIOS Setup screen)
                I tried different combinations of hdmi_group and hdmi_mode (Now they both commented). Also TinyPilot's EDID was changed according the FAQ.
                Thanks, Alex Tsvetkov

                1. David @david2024-06-26 11:20:49.110Z

                  I've just done a little research into the NUC - I found the specs of the model you mentioned (here), but it doesn't appear to have a VGA port. Is that correct?

                  Are you using a different display adapter (DisplayPort)? If possible, could you try just an HDMI connection from your NUC to your TinyPilot to see if that helps with the display in the BIOS?

                  I tried different combinations of hdmi_group and hdmi_mode (Now they both commented). Also TinyPilot's EDID was changed according the FAQ.

                  Thanks for those details! I believe hdmi_group and hdmi_mode are used in Raspberry Pi configurations for display output, so I don't expect you'd see any impact here by modifying them.

          2. A
            In reply toalext:
            Alex Tsvetkov @alext
              2024-07-15 21:53:47.216Z

              Hi David,
              Sorry for confusion, provided log actually was collected when Nuvo-8108GC-QD was connected to Tiny Pilot using VGA to HDMI converter (not NUC). But with NUC connected using HDMI we also have screen flicking issue when NUC is on BIOS Setup screen...
              Thanks, Alex Tsvetkov

              1. David @david2024-07-16 11:18:27.679Z

                Thanks for the update, @alext. No problem - could you share a new TinyPilot log with your TinyPilot connected to your NUC while it's on the flickering BIOS screen so I can see if there's anything unusual happening?

              2. A
                In reply toalext:
                Alex Tsvetkov @alext
                  2024-07-18 01:52:05.253Z

                  Hi David,
                  Logs at
                  NUC is running Ubuntu 22.04. No GUI. Terminal sometimes is black, sometimes is flicking...
                  Thanks, Alex Tsvetkov

                  1. David @david2024-07-18 11:29:43.030Z

                    Thanks for that log, @alext.

                    Your logs suggest your NUC is also outputting at 1080p, 60Hz, which TinyPilot doesn't support, unfortunately.

                    One option here would be to try and adjust the output resolution of your NUC via Ubuntu's CLI (via SSH). I believe it's possible to do this with the xrandr tool.

                    Could you try changing the output resolution using xrandr to a resolution in TinyPilot's supported resolution list?

                    If you're unable to adjust the output resolution on your NUC, I think we'll have to say that your target devices are incompatible with TinyPilot.

                    Please let me know if you have any questions.